IS LIFE FAIR? Why do bad things happen to good people? How often have we returned from work after a marvelous day, The affluent and ungodly seem to thrive in life, There isn’t an easy answer for why the Godly suffer loss, But more upsetting than this are the attacks from within, God, why do You allow this paradox to exist? The enemy won’t rest until the day that he is chained, There is a DAY coming when we’ll finally be freed, While the enemy is running to and fro' spreading venomous leaven, Stay strong brethren, stay in the WORD, and don't forget for even one minute that God is in charge of EVERYTHING -- even the 2020 U.S. election. We don't always know why things happen the way they do, but we always know WHO allows things to happen to complete HIS perfect destiny for us! God bless you all! Humbly Well said, you acquainted with grief! TR HH, very well said! It truly is a daily paradox and we can clearly see the line in the sand being drawn between good and evil. The evil is openingly blatant. .. but our reward is in heaven and from it we await a Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord..... the time of evil is shorter still, our joy and peace is eternally long! The lamp of the wicked will be put out! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: You have a way with words, Humbly. There is a radio program on where I live that says, "Why do bad things happen to good people? " They answer that by saying the more important question is "Why do good things happen to bad people? " The good thing is that while we are all bad, and yet sinners, Jesus died for us. When I ponder on that amazing act of love and mercy, I am at peace. :thankyou And whwhy do evil men prosper and have long lives?! TR Even Solomon asked the same questions! The unfairness of life is vanity and causes vexation of spirit! The Lord will have an answer, but will still be difficult to receive! A common experience for us all and hardly pleasant! TR God is giving them more time to repent. Adrian Rodgers had a sermon talking about whether God is fair or not. He said God is not fair but He is Just and He is Good. It is a difficult question but I agree with him. God knows best. We are all sinful and if we were judged fairly, we'd all end up in the Lake of Fire. "The reason many people are grumbly hateful rather than humbly grateful is that they have this belief, this conviction that no matter what, “God is fair.” Let me tell you: God is not fair. God is just. Fairness is a human attribute. “Fairness” implies that God owes us something, and if we don’t get it, God isn’t “fair” to us. Or if somebody gets more than we got, or before we get it, we grumble and pout, “That’s not fair. So-and-so got more than I got.” That has nothing to do with it. Again, God is not “fair.” God is just—perfectly righteous and holy. God owes us nothing, but He owes His own sense of integrity everything." https://victorybaptistpocono.com/adrian-rogers-god-is-not-fair/ "God is not fair, but God is good. We’re going to be much happier in this life if we take our eyes off our brothers and sisters, put our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and be grateful for what He does. We don’t want fairness; we need mercy, and we can have it." https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/love-worth-finding/listen/god-is-not-fair-507706.html Well stated and true! Though we deserve death and hell, God isn't fair, but gracious! So to with heavenly rewards! God will graciously honor those who honour Him! Indeed God is perfect in all His ways, not ours. But yet intellectual ascent doesn't negate our human emotions! TR When Christ was born he was proclaimed as king of the Jews! He grew being in constant fellowship with the Father! When his ministry started the voice of the Father spoke: This is my beloved Son in whom I am pleased! Then on the cross He cried: Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?! He emotionally struggled with having that fellowship cut off! It is in this sense that I also struggle with the concept of fairness! TR
Why does the roof collapse while we pray inside the steeple?
Why is it that the suffering of the unsaved seems rare,
While Christians are attacked during the middle of prayer?
Only to find our domestic life in complete disarray?
Or left our wonderful havens of familial shelter,
To proceed directly into the occupational swelter?
Indifferent to our struggles and daily strife.
They appear to stockpile more than their reasonable share,
While not losing any sleep because they JUST DON'T CARE!
But there is no doubt it increases once you pick up that Cross!
The more committed you become the bigger threat you’ll be,
Your prayers are menacing hindrances to an infernal strategy.
From brothers and sisters who act as if they never sin.
They even go so far as to question our Christian walk,
Chastising our “lack of faith” with their blustering talk.
Why are the invectives from our own brethren allowed to persist?
How is it that those who avow to follow You in Name,
Throw the largest stones and hurl the most blame?
Continuing to inflict damage until he is finally restrained.
As for those casting stones from the balconies of their glass houses,
They should be ashamed of themselves for being such louses!!
From this world of suffering, hunger, and greed.
Those who are watching KNOW that our Savior is near,
So disregard the false-piety and negative comments you hear!
We who “are pure in heart” shall soon see Heaven;
Those with wicked tongues shall be consumed in their pride,
While we who are persecuted shall be eternally at God’s side!! These are definitely difficult times and so many believers are suffering greatly. 🙁