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Irrefutable proof from 2017 that it's a Planned-Demic

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DOD, HHS award $138m contract to ApiJect Systems America as part of a plan to expand U.S. production capability for domestically manufactured, medical-grade injection devices.


Geoffrey Grider 5/12/20

Back in March, the Department of Health and Human Services partnered with a company called ApiJect, what does ApiJect they make? They make pre-filled syringes for injecting people with vaccines, and then provide RFID microchip tracking after the shot is administered. You will see in the main graphic for this article an RFID syringe displayed on the screen of a mobile device. Today, May 12, the DoD and the HHS handed ApiJect a check for $138 million, with an order to deliver hundreds of millions of these devices by October of 2020.

Spearheaded by the DOD’s Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the contract will support “Jumpstart” to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year by using well-established Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) aseptic plastics manufacturing technology, suitable for combatting COVID-19 when a safe and proven vaccine becomes available.

The contract also enables ApiJect Systems America to accelerate the launch of RAPID USA manufactured in new and permanent U.S.-based BFS facilities with the ultimate production goal of over 500 million prefilled syringes (doses) in 2021.

Welcome to the ‘new normal’, it comes with an RFID microchip-enabled COVID-19 vaccination syringe with your name on it. That’s the new normal. The only question is what will you do when they come to your door, and tell you it’s mandatory? You might want to figure out your response to that scenario sooner rather than later. Now would be a good time.

New Public-Private Partnership Created to Develop a U.S.-Based High-Speed, Emergency Surge Drug Packaging Solution, Using Mass-Manufacturable Prefilled Syringes with Optional Mobile-Based GPS Tracking and Confirmation

FROM PRNEWSWIRE: ApiJect Systems America, a public benefit corporation based here, today joined with the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in announcing the launch of a public-private partnership dedicated to creating a U.S.-based high-speed, high-volume, emergency drug packaging solution, establishing  “surge capacity” for mass-manufacturable prefilled syringes.

The new consortium, called RAPID — Rapid Aseptic Packaging of Injectable Drugs — will be created and managed by ApiJect Systems America. Its purpose is to enable the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to fill and finish hundreds of millions of prefilled syringes to respond quickly and effectively to health emergencies such as COVID-19. The RAPID Consortium will build a surge capacity network of up to eight domestic packaging facilities using a well- established, drug-packaging process called Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS). The BFS process, used in sterile manufacturing facilities worldwide, features a high volume, small medical-grade plastic container that holds a prefilled volume of medicines or vaccines. FDA-approved BFS technology is already used to package billions of doses annually for medicines to treat respiratory conditions, rotavirus oral vaccines and more. The RAPID Consortium will combine this well-established BFS technology with an innovative interlocking needle hub. The result is a prefilled syringe that eliminates the inefficiencies and difficulties of packaging medicines in, and drawing medicines from, glass vials using disposable syringes.

- Fair Use -

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Oh and is this a coincidence ...

The same month that ApiJect will deliver hundreds of millions of these RFID syringe devices (October of 2020) ... will be when the pope holds his Global Education Pact promoting “new Humanism” with world leaders and/or religious leaders at the Vatican ... was originally scheduled for tomorrow ... May 14, 2020 but now it looks to be October 11- 18, 2020. B-)

Todd Tomlinson
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My mid-trib and post-trib friends keep panicking over these news articles.   I grew up the grandson of a Baptist pastor who grounded me in pre-trib doctrine.    Every once in a while a little twinge of "what of those others are right" creeps into my thought process.   But I'm quick to squash those thoughts by looking at the ticket that was purchased for me... but my heart does skip a beat every once in a while when those thoughts creep in through the cracks.

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Todd, Early in my Christian walk, I sat under Jack Van Impe (the walking Bible) teachings that gave me a solid pre-tribulation view and a love for memorizing Gods Holy Word. The pre-trib rapture grew with Hal Linsey and going to a Pre trib Bible College - through the decades now, I have done my own research and have perfect peace, as you and many others do that the Father has not appointed the church to wrath, the Bridegroom will not “drag” the Bride through the muckity, muck of the tribulation events. I have taken apart Revelation and really enjoyed the latest teaching by Jay McCarl on Decoding the his statement “what did they think”.

What gets my heart racing is just seeing it all unfolding, :popcorn :popcorn the sadness Cry comes with knowing so many have rejected the Son and yet so many others will be the Martyred saints of Revelation — but Joy comes in the morning .... :prayer-hands:
The rest is just trivial and unfounded human speculation (my opinion) - what matters most through it all is what the old preacher use to say “what will you do with Christ” or as JD so wonderfully states the ABC’s of salvation (never get tired of hearing those). For us, who Wait and watch, we will be soon out of here, it is just too cool! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Indeed we stand in a peculiar and privileged time in history!  Seeing God accomplish His prophetic word and purposes!  TR

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10 - 15 years ago when I was looking at all the 9/11 stuff on YT I came across Steve Jackson's "Illuminati" card game

I decided to see if there were any newer YT videos dealing with all the latest stuff going on and there are.

Here's a good short video showing how all of this stuff was planned before the mid 90's

In the above video Chaplain Bob forgot the best card ever so here it is in another video : )

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I used to play that card game in the 1990s in my prodigal son phase.  I can recognize the cards even today.  A lot of predictive programming in it,  that's for sure.

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Here's another "Rapture" card video I just came across. After he talks about the "Rapture" card he shows the "18 1/2 minute gap" card which I don't remember ever seeing or noticing before. I think it's amazing because of all the 18 month stuff we keep hearing about and I have said it a few times on here recently that the Rapture could still happen this Spring and there could be close to an 18 month gap before The Tribulation begins around Nov. 1 2021 which is around when all of those 18 month timeframes end. Coincidence ?


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I think the picture in that article was proven fake. Will have to find the source.

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