No surprises there, is there! TR Predictive programming from 2003 ? Please watch the whole video. It's short. Hal Turner's take on it seems best. Thanks for that. Is this a tv program or movie? Chilling with the script line ... re-enacting to the T in 2020! Check this out to ... this is the Rothschild’s Economist Magazine cover for 2015 ... A lot of symbolism ... I could only figure out some of the symbols. But here we are 5 years later .... Under the 5 is an Asian guy with a mask and white gloves on. The pied piper is playing on the left side. Then you see a little Asian boy eating noodles and underneath is a pamphlet with “PANIC” and then you see a globe of the world. On the right side you see Spider-Man and perhaps this means they are going to do something to the internet web - virus attack or take away our freedom? Below its either Goldie Locks or Alice in Wonderland and you see 2 arrows with numbers on them 11.5 and 11.3 and then a mound of dust. Plus in the blue background in the upper right hand side you see a nuclear explosion ... is this Damascus fate? There are other symbolism ... I see a ghost - is that Casper? symbolizing ghost towns/cities with the closing up of stores? Oh there is more ... There is a wind-up little boy holding a toy airplane ... is this symbolizing most air-flights are grounded and in financial trouble? The Panda Bear has muscles and wearing Chinese shorts. Is this the rise of Great China and tanking the American economy? And a sumo wrestler looks like its about to pick up a red and white battery flip it over from positive to negative ... is this symbolic of economic collapse of the American dollar? There is also a turtle ... does this symbolize slowness with business getting back on their feet again and the economy? There’s an AI drone next to Putin ... he brags about his AI military. Someone is wearing virtual reality goggles ... :wacko: It's a tv series And great find with that magazine cover ! And after reading and seeing your post my very first thought was I wonder if "TheGroxt1" on YT ever made a video on this and sure enough he did and it was published on January 1st. 2015 I haven't watched any of his videos in literally years and I don't agree with some of his theology but I will watch this one to see what he makes out of it. Yes, I see what you mean ... some of his theology is way off. But I did learn some things ... the numbers on the arrows I thought were dates and here he is saying they are magnitude levels for earthquakes. I just noticed the Mona Lisa painting is in front of the sand mound ... I wonder what that is in reference to? I thought the famous painting was at the Vatican but its currently hanging in the Louvre Museum in Paris. And the symbolism of the rocket ship is interesting ... Geri - I have actually stood in a line for 40 min at the Louvre to walk past the 10 x 10 picture of the Mona Lisa - I got to stand and look at her for a whole 4 min. There is a great study on the medical conditions she had by a doctor. Per his study of her, it is obvious she had delivered a child just a few months prior to the sitting for the painting, he also notes a hypothyroid condition as noted by a slight goiter (a common problem at that time period) and as De Vinci was well known for his details of medical depiction of the human body (today he would be a science artist), it’s plausible. Impressive place, but I bet ya nothing compares to our Heavenly abode! :prayer-hands: Tammie, very interesting with her medical condition because as I’m looking closer at her picture ... it looks like she is missing eyebrows!
Napoleon is in the background with a skeletal hand ... is this referring to the rise of Macron? I googled if Macron is compared to Napoleon and I saw this news report heading “King Macron': French President Earns Comparisons To Napoleon”
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