It seems to me that in the end, the Lord saves us from ourselves for Himself! It just doesn't get any better than that, IMHO. All the glories aside, the rewards, the new Heaven and Earth, all that the Lord has in store for us, He loves us in spite of ourselves and treasures us enough to save us for Himself! :yes: :amen: What are you most grateful for?! TR I’m grateful for eternal life and soon, very soon ... getting off this crazy, insane, upside down, disturbing evil gone wild planet called earth. Its comforting to know the Lord is going to restore order once again before our feet touch ground again! :yes: Celebrating right now with a toast of a delicious hot cup of brewed Tea (Trust Emmanuel Always)! There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, Thy will be done, and those to whom God says, All right, then, have it your way. — C.S. Lewis I'm grateful that by grace God has shown me having it my way doesn't mean I win. And in His loving kindness, we can make our petitions known to the Lord. It's then up to Dad, to decide what would serve us best! Knowing myself, and having run into a lot of flakes and goofy people, it's still a wonder what the Lord could ever see in us let alone fall in love with us. And if that wasn't enough, He then decided to make a peculiar people for Himself. Well He got that right enough, didn't He?! :wacko: :unsure: I for one am tired of many things here that occupy our senses. Lately, I've just been filled with a sense of dissatisfaction with it all! I still make it a point to count my many blessings on a daily basis, but then nothing but Jesus will satisfy me! :good: :bye: TR Again, "in the end" of the matter, being a Christian is not a matter of how much noise we make while in church, but rather how quietly we listen when He speaks! We must all endeavor to hear what the Spirit speaks to the Church. Either corporately, and within the confines of our prayer closets! Less bark, more wags! :yes: I am most grateful that He created me is such a way that I said "yes" to Jesus I am also grateful you said yes! :yes: :good: Love & blessings...TR
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