Imminent Headlines
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Imminent Headlines

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  • World Ruptured Because Christians Raptured
  • Christians Disappear As Heathens Stand And Cheer
  • Where Is The Church?  The World Now In A Lurch
  • Looters Celebrate With No Concern For Their Eternal Fate
  • Riots All Over The Place After Christians Gone Without A Trace
  • Unanswered Questions Loom After Babies Vanish From The Womb
  • Could Prophecy Be True?   Millions Evaporate Without A Clue
  • Trains, Boats, Cars, and Planes Crash Without Pilots
  • Lawlessness Abounds With No Restrainer On The Grounds
  • Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like This -- Everything Is Now Quite Amiss
  • People Try To Keep Their Heads While Hiding In Their Backyard Sheds

These were just some thoughts that passed through my lame brain today.  I'm just happy that we won't be here to read those headlines.  :good:


Your Stumbling, Bumbling, Rumbling, Rambling Pal,


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I've been told for years that the news media already is prepared to report on the Rapture!

Firstly to identify it as a crisis in need of management by men.  Secondly accusing God for abandoning humanity. While coming up with alternative explanations to explain it's mechanics!  Neat trick!

Lastly, the loss of all this life will emotionally open a door for the NWO and then the AC!


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The medianites will blame government for the disappearance of so many. B-)
They probably will focus on those that left have been taken by the alien founding fathers - like Jupiter Ascending - and we required a rework on our brains :mdrmdr:

The increase in lawlessness that will grow much faster will require immediate intervention by “the man with a plan “ :dieu:

News Flash “Thousands Missing, babies and young children included. Many missing appear to be from right wing religious factions in need of re-education to reality. Confirming, aliens removed the derelicts for potential reprocessing” Get your vaccination quickly so you won’t go too! :mdrmdr:

ok - making fun of a sad, heartbreak situation inclusive of the lost is probably in poor taste, my apologies. :prayer-hands:

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I always wanting to enlighten, encourage and lift Christ's name often do so with the understanding of men.  As many of us do.

But from time to time I find myself compelled and speak with the unction of the Holy Spirit.  Again, as many here do.

Hopefully we can recognize that gift when manifested within the body of Christ and give thanks together!

Stepping out in faith and knowing His voice will only release the Lord to he more forth coming, IMHO.

Especially needed in these days!


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I am intrigued how watchers are seriously realizing we are this-close to the rapture just in these last 3 months . .

~  Jesus' description to look up is our reality of today . .  ~

~       I very much enjoy the passion of J.D. Faraq's assessment  . . watching and listening to him, one can see the Spirit leading, saying, 'time is up' . . 'it's now!  . .   . .  how in tune is that with this forum's title breathtakingly true these days ~ ~


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Yes Donna, our understanding and resolve will only grow!  Perhaps this is that "high" sign I have been speaking of.

No longer wild speculation and wishful thinking, but a more focused "knowing" being seeded into each of our spirits!

Everybody ready for their hugs?!


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Just a few more...


  • Atheists Run Amok -- Delirious With Their Luck (Chistians Removed!)
  • Millions Disappear Fast At The Sound Of A Trumpet Blast
  • Figure Appears In The Clouds To The Shock Of Rioting Crowds
  • What Just Occurred?   Was That A Shofar That Was Heard?
  • How Do We Carry On With So Many Peaceful People Gone?
  • Martial Law Declared While NWO Agenda Shared
  • Christian Websites Taken Down -- Christianity Is No Longer A Noun
  • The Moon Is In The 7th House Disturbing Not Even A Mouse
  • Jupiter Aligns With Mars -- Love Now Steering The Stars
  • Aliens Not Nefarious And Have Communicated The Age Of Aquarius

I feel sorry for anyone reading these headlines in the near future!



Posts: 8052
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Where's the UFO''s??

Hope we get to see all that insanity.  Can't walk half way through the movie!

