I will glory...
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I will glory...

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Seems to me that I am to daily consider God's agenda for me and the world!

I relate to prophetic news as it relates to blood bought believers!  Not as I see satans agenda moving forward!

A general awareness of the latter ie: satans agenda, holds nothing that beckons my focus!

But I am made tired and grow ill of the monday morning quarterbacking of every news release which comes forward!

I choose rather to press into God's word rather than worldy press releases!

For the more I focus on Christ the fewer fears I have!  Trying to analyze and second guess ramifications of the ever growing and visible evil, I become nauseated!

GIGO!  Garbage in, garbage out!

Is there no one else seeing the pitfalls of this type of misplaced focus???


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Patricia N.
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Dear Tenderreed,

I hope your post is not directed at me.  I am trying not to put up all the evil things that are happening in the news, just events that relate to end times.  We are told to keep watch as we see the day approaching.

If no one posts anything, this forum becomes rather sleepy.

I don't want to offend anyone here.

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No one in particular, just a word to the wise I believe!

I don't want to sensationalize evil, but merely be aware of the days we live in!

It is I who am mindful of being a thorn!


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Doesn't the bible teach us upon what things we should cast our thoughts?


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We are to cast our thought on the Lord but we are also called to be Watchers and that is why we gather here. We watch and we analyze what we see and we discuss or at least make others aware of the events going on in the world as they pertain to the nearness of the Lord. We are hear to encourage each other and to pray for each other and to share our insights with each other of the things we read about and are witness to as we wait with bated breath the return of our Lord. That’s the whole purpose of this gathering of believers. Seeing the sickness of the world drives us closer to God and heightens our awareness of the nearness of our redemption.

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Maybe a thought would be to take a break for awhile TR with the way you say you're affected?

Another thought, at RN we have always had the unspoken rule to bypass threads that one knows will negatively affect them, so, maybe consider that option for yourself?

We are all seeing very different days and times here in this time period, happenings that we never thought we would be affected by, experience, or see.

The agenda of the enemy of our God and we who belong to Him, is manifesting in ways that are affecting every household and life. Life is not the same.

It is bringing the issue of eternal life and death to the forefront, to be received or rejected. What surrounds life today is shocking in the sense that we thought/hoped we would be gone by now.

We need the Body to be joined in faith, truth, fellowship, support and comfort before the Lord in the midst of the unexpected all around.

I myself, prefer that we have freedom of expression here and not be stifled. Trusting that each one is mindful that, no matter what the prophetic news, that we are keeping the Lord above it all, here and in our hearts and lives.

Which again, is where the unspoken rule to bypass "distasteful" Threads come in if and when needed.

I would like to invite any brother and sister in all honesty, to let us know if you are unhappy with the flow of topics and posts here at RN, and if you would like to see changes? :heart:


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I think the way things are is fine.

We have threads that aggregate certain new stories into single threads. (ie the coronavirus thread) That way if someone doesn't want to read about the coronavirus (we actually are all sick of it, no pun intended 😉 ) then they can generally avoid it.

Perhaps keeping "bad news" posts in a couple of threads would be helpful. Like a bad news politics/bad news persecution/bad news depravity, etc.

If it is all too much for me, personally, then I simply take a break. Or I read the wonderful pinned thread with the bible verses with lovely pictures. That always encourages me and gives me peace.

Just my thoughts, anyway. I realize we all have different personalities and mindsets but we all love the Lord here and all love each other. :rose:


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I think we are all getting burnt out and wondering when this horror freak show is going to come to a crashing close.   I recently had to take a short break from the news myself … we are only human and were never meant to see this stuff in our faces 24/7 … even the old prophecy teachers that are fortunate to be in heaven right now never expected the church to go thru what we are going thru right now.  They taught it would be simply business as usual before we disappeared  … but yet here we are … eye witnesses to the forcing of harmful toxic vaxx upon every human being :calvin  and food shortages, denial access to certain places and health services and loss of employment and dealing with mind control zombie people  :wacko:

Surely our deliverance is soon soon soon :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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Just venting!  Tired of watching all the drama and evil!

Thanks for listening, just tired of being here!


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Would rather be dancing with Jesus than watching!


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