I think my religiou...
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I think my religious exemption got accepted

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No real harm in Heidi's joke. Well played. :good:

My ancestors were responsible, anyway. 😉


The Vikings were the real origin of sarcasm

The Danish Ambassador, very cunningly admired that sarcasm was actually brought to the UK by the Vikings.(The Vikings were seafaring Scandinavians engaged in exploring, raiding and trading in waters and lands outside of Scandinavia, from the eighth to eleventh centuries).


The British language has a straight-to-your-face tone which is the use of understatement and satire and that is thought to have originated from the Vikings.




When they brought trade from across the world to British shores.


The Vikings influenced the Britishers with the words and expressions they used. These words and expressions eventually became a part of their everyday language, also to be seen in some of the words and place’s names we use today, and ultimately in OUR caustic sense of humor.



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So Arthur... the article you cited reads, "...The origin of sarcasm was from Greek language to finally Latin language."  Pre-Greek and Latin???  Okay. Let's see...

The article later volunteers, as you too copied, "...(The Vikings were seafaring Scandinavians engaged in exploring, raiding and trading in waters and lands outside of Scandinavia, from the eighth to eleventh centuries)."

Definitely pre-Greek and Latin!  Yeah, right! :whistle: :unsure: 😉


[PS - the above was merely a test to demonstrqate sarcasm -- something which I usually avoid like the plague unless it's friendly and obvious. :yes:  I don't really like confrontations.  I hope Arthur didn't feel confronted. :feedback , Arthur.]


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I am sorry to change the subject back to religious exemption. (I loved the sarcasm posts, please continue after this) I have a meeting with HR on Monday at 10 am.

A union rep is going to be with me. He expressed concern about me having a letter form an online pastor in Hawaii. I told him I have been attending that church online for at least 3 or 4 years. He thinks in this case it might be OK. He told me they will ask me more about why I can't take the vaccine and to stick to religious reasons. He said the HR lady might sound friendly and understanding but she is really trying to trick me so only answer the questions she asks and don't elaborate.

He asked me if I know for sure there is fetal tissue in them. He said he hears people talk about that but do we know for sure? I said no I don't know for sure either. Maybe only some vaccines have them. Maybe J & J?

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Heidi, I have been poking around again since the coronavirus threads trailed off a bit last week or so, and again found Liberty Counsel amazing as a resource.  The main site is https://www.lc.org/ and related is https://www.lcaction.org/vaccine.   That's crammed and stuffed with related links.

Also check out https://lc.org/exempt for sure.  There is a bullet item 4 down a ways, that makes a point: "4. Questioning Religious Beliefs is Unlawful."  You might be bolstered by that.  Items 5 has a link to Liberty Counsel's suggested steps and their legal involvement is also offered, free of charge I suspect.

Cutting to the chase relative to HR and your exemption, look over the information at https://noqreport.com/2021/09/05/liberty-counsel-creates-religious-exemption-letters-for-americans-fighting-vaccine-mandates/    Some of it is from links above...

And pray.  The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear.  Let's rely on Him for everything.

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Some excellent resources posted MWS! Very helpful and one basic thing to remember Heidi, your body is a temple and if there is any evidence that harm could happen to you by taking the vax (and obviously there is evidence that harm is possible) then you would defer on taking anything that you believe could cause your body harm, and with regards to the fetal cell line- I believe the mrna vax both Moderna and Pfizer have these but the J and J has animal cells in them and I also believe there is a chemical that is in all of them as a preservative that is carcinogenic (can cause cancer) I saw this on a video and I can't remember exactly which chemical but will see if I can find it. Prayers going up! :prayer-hands:

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Meh. I am not offended nor do I feel confronted.

The Norse were around for thousands of years before the new kids on the block, the Greeks and the Romans. 😉



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Praying for a good outcome. May the Lord God make a way where there doesn't seem to be a way. :prayer-hands:

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MyWhiteStone, thank you so much for the lovely resources. They are very good. I love the guy talking in the video. (forgot his name)

Thank you for pointing out #4 Questioning Religious Beliefs is Unlawful.


Arthur, thank you very much for your prayers.


Churchgal, thank you very much for the information.

I do have a question about something you said.

"Heidi, your body is a temple and if there is any evidence that harm could happen to you by taking the vax (and obviously there is evidence that harm is possible) then you would defer on taking anything that you believe could cause your body harm"

I was thinking that since our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, then we should not put anything in them that defiles that temple and/or things that God abhors. For example, aborted fetal tissues.

However, does it also mean that if we believe anything is harmful to our bodies, we can reject it on the same religious grounds?

Can anybody explain this to me?

thank you

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Simply put, as God’s creation we have certain rights afforded by God!

End of story, and a resounding testimony!


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Heidi- There has been a lot of varying beliefs about what should or should not be eaten, drank or placed on the body and what thing "defiles" it. I would leave it to this one test....if it bothers you in your spirit to partake of something, wear or dress any particular way and including taking a medical treatment or a vax...then don't. I find this helpful to me, hopefully it will to you :heart:

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