Blake, I look forward to meeting you, and also saying like with Christ; you did good! TR :thankyou Amy for sharing “Watchwoman65” youtube. VERY informative about they wiped down Trump’s podium and microphone before the debate started but they didn’t do that for Joe Biden. Hmmm ... and then 3 days later Trump and a few in his inner circle including John Hagee tested positive for the virus. Now we know the reason ... apparently Trump moved up the process hearings for the new Supreme Court nominee to next week and then the following week, if all goes well, she would be in place ... sooooo the democrats are trying their hardest to stop Amy Coney Barrett from becoming the next Supreme Court Judge from happening. B-) Yep, I can see this EMP strike happening and being tied into the sudden destruction when they give their peace and safety speech. Then the US will be left helpless and can’t come to Israel’s aid when the G/M forces go on their attack. Of course ... I also expect the rapture to have occurred as well. Perilous times coming ... staying alert for the Trumpet call ... :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn Just wanted to add ... I don’t believe the US will be out of the loop the entire 7 years though ... just long enough for the G/M attack ... because I read recently Elon Musk is putting satellites up and making sure the entire globe has internet/tv etc by 2025 (Sounds like around mid point of the trib? For all to see the 2 witnesses removed from the scene and for the roll-out of the mark of the beast chip/tat/whatever ...) I just wonder how long the elite go in hiding in their underground shelters before they think its safe to come out again? So the EMP strike hast to be just a temporary calamity that gets restored. Here is something that might be symbolic ... the vehicle Trump gets around in is a $1.5 million limo called .... “the Beast”. If the rapture happens before Election Day and if Trump and Pence are true believers and they get raptured out with us ... that would leave Nancy Pelosi :scratch: in charge ... and the world will literally see “the woman riding the beast”. :mdrmdr: - Fair Use - A radiotelegraph? Rockfish? Rosebush? Rosh Hashanah? LOL I think T.R. is giving out “rapture hugs” :yes: But then again ... perhaps it might be ... out of this world “relish” served @ the RITA olive, pickles, grapes, cheese/cracker wine party ... :whistle: Yohanan, your getting warm! TR Yohanan — yes I often see the silence on posting after a high watch day! Human nature, I suppose. The 2015 let down was hard to take. This one, not so much so. I buffered my emotions going into this FoT watch for that very reason. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Hope for us all! TTR
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