~ ~. . while jogging and in prayer, I was sort of 'venting' my anger. (honest communication our Lord will not despise) (Psalms) saying, "LORD, I don't understand after much prayer, and seeing Trump who stands against abortion, wickedness,, deceit, fraudulence, leading with passionate vigilance to preserve the founding laws of this nation, and standing up for Israel, now seems to be losing his 2nd 'rightful' term ~ ~ ~Father, why the Biden win?" ~ . . I 'sensed' in my spirit God saying: "have you considered my servant Job" . . . that was it . . . . . ~ . . . of course none of us today including Trump are Jobs . . so, could it be 'satan' entered Heaven, approached God, and said 'let me have at Trump and present movement, then see how faithful your church remains under this test ~~ ~ . ~ . This we know, no one is Good except, God, ~ ~ ~ ~for sure we don't understand God's way so much above ours, while seeing the enemy's forceful wickedness ~ this enemy can push but he can't knock us out ~ While Trump stood and represent(ed) Good for this nation, and while we cry out to our Sovereign God amidst our lack of understanding , . .could it be Trump may continue somehow in God's timing to remain God's servant? . . . . . maybe pushed down, but not out ~~ ~ Or consider Job's end! I agree with many who think we are in our last minutes upon Earth! Then again, minutes could be month's!? But in the US. So many have forsaken God! Indeed the world as well. And the AC is anxious to make his appearance and begin his 7yr abomination! TR If this was the Lord's will, the deposition of Trump and America will stand! I don't see it so much as a test, but rather the world heading closer to judgement! America as a nation must fall in order to usher in the AC! TR Donna, I could not agree more. Will and to what degree can or will our faith be tested. Will we be faithful no matter the circumstance. This too has been in my spirit for sometime now. ??? A test? I guess we may see. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Every day is a test! As Blake can well attest to! The test that only time can bring! But blessed is he who holds on to the faith, till the very end! TR Apparently this cheating with this particular software goes back to Nov 2012. They rigged a few machines so Obama won a 2nd term. Then they were using it again for Hillary in 2016 but didn’t go to the extreme like they did this time in multiple states because they didn’t expect Trump to beat Hillary since ... he is the underdog billionaire businessman and not a “politician” so what does he know about foreign policies, etc. The far left thought he was a joke - so their guard was down and not expecting that many were going to vote for him. I also believe it was an act of God placing Trump in for the miracle win. And this floored the far left when he won ... they had a melt down and spent 4 yrs trying to ruin his reputation and any progress he made in turning this country around for the better. They were determined this time to see he didn’t win so they went overboard in various ways to cheat. Why did Trump even run for office? Because the software creator was the whistleblower along with a few other people found out about the cheating. It was too late to prosecute all involved ... they have to catch them in the act and have a paper trail, etc. So the people who wanted to stop the corruption needed someone who they could trust that was willing to drain the swamp. Trump said he was willing to do. So after 4 yrs of planning and water marking the ballots, hiring a new postmaster general for the US postal service back in June to be in on the sting operation ... they now have a mega case to start prosecuting all those involved and sending them off to the slammer. They are going to need a big prison .... perhaps they will dropped them off on Alcatraz Island? :unsure: I have confidence justice will be served. Trump has the best lawyers ... Rudy Giuliani took down Mob boss John Gotti (aka Teflon Don) and sent him to the slammer. B-) When Trump is declared the winner. Of course, we can expect another mega melt down with riots and chaos ... perhaps this will be at the same time the rapture happens and its part of the “sudden destruction” and it also triggers the G/M war? :unsure: The concern I have is ... I read Bernie Sanders actually had more votes to represent the Democratic Party but they didn’t want him and rigged the machines so the votes went to Joe Biden instead. I just hope they don’t say we need to have a do over ... Sanders vs. Trump. Funny, just last week, something led me to start reading Job again. I pray to have even 10% of the faith that Job had. What a wonderful man for God he was/is. The discovery is too little, too late .... but it has marched us along very nicely to God’s timeline ..... We are going home, nanny, nanny boo, boo, you can’t stop the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, on the throne, ruling and reigning forever and we are right there with Him, so sad to be you evil one! :yahoo:
~ My thoughts are our Lord Jesus may have granted satan some ground to knock down the Trump movement, discouraging our faith in Christ and His power . .