I am desperately wa...
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I am desperately waiting

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I am so sick of life and I can’t tell anyone about this so I came on here to hopefully talk to anyone who gets it. I wake up every morning dreading the day, the first thing I think is, only 14 hours until I can go to bed. I look for signs of Jesus’s return as I know and believe that will be my soonest out.

How do you keep on when all you want is to go up? Anyone on here feeling less hopeful that his return is near? Anyone feeling more hopeful?

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I hear you and can relate.  First what you need to do is remove all negative from your life.  I cancelled my tv service back in March 2016 and for the most part I do not miss it except for the cooking shows, HGTV, Lifetime movies.  But I’m thankful for youtubes so I get my inspiration ideas that way or through Country Door magazines.   I also stay away from negative people who depress me.  I had to tell one of my older brothers to stop emailing me because he loves to make fun that the rapture high watch date came and went.  He is saved but he is no longer a pre-tribber - some wacky church out in California turned him to the post-trib view. :wacko:

I suggest staying busy in your spare time with hobbies you enjoy.  Before going out to the store, bank, post office, etc. ask the Lord to bring people along your pathway so you can share you faith with them and give them a Bible tract.  You will have so much joy afterwards in knowing you did something worthwhile and it was pleasing to the Lord.  Believe me, the Lord will bring the right people to approach you.  They won’t stop chatting ... so you will know.  LOL.

I decided to continue doing my hobbies and decorating my place even though I know the rapture is very near.  So I live at Goodwill stores, craft stores and Home Depot.  I buy things dirt cheap that people think is trash and clean them up and repaint them - and the finish product looks like I purchased them at Pottery Barn or Country Door, etc.

I’m currently working on finishing off my basement - going the cheap way so I’m painting the grey cement walls white and doing the Christmas farmhouse theme.  I’m finally getting a chance to unpack all my plastic containers and sorting what I really want to keep and what to sell, give away or toss.  I take pictures of the things I complete and show various people I meet at the stores.  I also get a chance to witness to them so all is not in vein.   For instance I needed paint to redo this sled ... the guy in the paint dept at Home Depot just heard the Good News.  Same when I went into Bed Bath & Beyond to get some things ... the sales guy approached me with can I help you?  Before you know it I’m telling him about my basement decorating project and showed him pictures since I had my iPad with me.  He was amazed and wants me to keep him updated with the progress.  Meanwhile I got a chance to witness to him too.

So I suggest to stay active in your hobbies. :yes:

Here are some of what I do that brings joy ...

I got this old sled at Goodwill for $17.00

With a coat of paint ... it now looks like this ...

Bought this old cradle from Goodwill for $11.00 ... glued the handle on and then  used white chalk paint and added the red bells.  I thought it would be a great place to display my collection of Dalmatian pups.

I got this wooden train at Goodwill for $5.00.  I repainted it with Christmas colors and glued on fake candy and put some of elves in the box cars.

My basement is no longer gloomy when I do my laundry ... I’m slowly making it into an old farmhouse winter wonderland theme environment and I’m having a fun time while I still watch and wait for the Lord to call us home.

P.S. I also play Christian music, listen to Bible readings on CD or Christian radio while I work.


David W. Roche
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Hi, Anon.  So many people have become weary of life in this world.  It is a good thing to long for Christ's appearing to set things right, to have an end to all the suffering people are enduring, much of which is far worse than anything I have ever gone through.

We long for closeness with our Lord because He is our Maker and our Redeemer.  That is how it ought to be, and those who love God should have that desire to be near Him.

Nevertheless, there is more to looking for His appearing than simply to seek an immediate escape.  Yes, I also share the desire to have all believers gathered together in glory with the One who gave His life for us.  Yet here we are, assigned to this world as ambassadors of God's grace, until He decides the time is right.  We must trust His judgment as to the best time for us to depart.

Someone once told me that if God did not have a purpose for me to be here, He would have called me home.  Now, there are lots of days when I wonder what that might be and sometimes I feel as if I have not accomplished very much.  I have to trust God that He will use me in some small manner, according to His design.

I don't know your living conditions; I accept that some live in hardship, pain, or frustration.  Still, desperation is not a healthy state of mind for anyone.  My best advice is to find things that are outside of yourself and live your life in service to others.  That's how life will be in heaven, although without the many limitations we face in this present age.  Practice being a giving person, in whatever state of life you find yourself, and trust that God will reward your patience.

This is not said to be critical, nor to chastise you.  Rather, I would have you fill your days with peace, the joy of the Lord, and to do what you can to help others along the path to heaven.  It isn't all about what we seek for ourselves.  (I don't know you personally, so please don't take that as a rebuke, only as an encouragement to let God act through you to bless others.  It is the surest way to find contentment for ourselves.)

Finally, yes, I am more hopeful of the Lord's soon return.  Because the worse things get out there, the shorter our time remaining here becomes.  Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness, as the old admonition goes.

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Indeed living under the curse sucks, and being separated from our creator God and Saviour that we love is also hard.

That said, console yourself with the knowledge that the Jesus desires to be reunited with us even more than we do with Him!  Knowing that kind of love awaits, makes being separated a bit more bearable.

Given that we were created in God's mind and heart even before the foundations of the world were laid, He has been waiting longer than we have!


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Geri7, how creative and resourceful you are!   Bless your tender and special heart!


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I agree, Geri7, you have such cute ideas.  If you lived nearby I'd come and visit you to see in person what you've done with your house!

Anon, I wonder if you are in depression.  I was there myself several years ago when my soul mate of over 20 years passed away.  He had congestion heart failure so it was expected, yet when he actually passed, I went into a depression I didn't think I'd come out of.  I prayed that God would bring someone else into my life.

Then I met a man several years older than myself who was intelligent and very charming.  Unfortunately he was going into dementia which I soon discovered.  He really helped me come out of my depression and then it was my turn to help him as he eventually became imprisoned in assisted living.  He was finally diagnosed as Alzheimer's which is a death sentence.  He had one living relative who was an uncle a few years older than himself.  I soon became a go-between for Hal and Leo.  I'd visit Leo every week and bring him treats, then e-mail Hal about it.  Hal would also call me every Saturday for an update and to visit.  I became the little sister they didn't know they had until the end.  Hal passed away 3 months before Leo finally passed over a year ago.   But I look back on those few years of my life with satisfaction, knowing God sent me to be of use to two people, right when I was about as useless as I thought I could be.  When we are weak, God is strong!

Now God has blessed me with several female friends I hang out with different times of the week, together or separately.  I have the best times with them.  I am enjoying life right now as I know God intended me too.  Yes, I'd like Him to come soon but I know He has a lot of irons in the fire.  It is all in God's timing for the Rapture.  Still we know it is soon from Bible prophecy and where we are in current events.  Let's pray we make good use of the time we have left.  Redeem the time!

:rose: :heart:


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Thank you T.R and Earthangel for your kind words.  I didn’t mean to thread-jack this thread.  Perhaps I will start a different thread about hobbies and crafts in the “Outside the Box” section and we can share ideas and what projects we are working on?  I wish you did live closer Earthangel ... its always fun to have company while working on various crafts. :yes:

Sorry to hear about your soulmate passing away.  I admire you for reaching out to others and in taking such good care of both Hal and Leo.  The Lord is going to reward you greatly for your unselfish loving kindness.  I know that wasn’t an easy task ... extremely stressful and heartbreaking when they slowly lose their memory.  My dad had dementia for 5 yrs before the Lord took him to heaven. Cry
