Russian oligarchs are evading sanctions by parking their yachts and money in Turkey. Turkey is bankrupt and desperate for the cash infusion. $250,000 will buy a person Turkish citizenship. Turkey is playing a very dangerous game here by trying to be Russia's friend and yet still stay in NATO. Sooner or later they are going to get burnt. Looks like Turkey is playing Russian Roulette ? They need and will use each other and both their armies will get defeated soon when they charge up the Golan Height mountains. I do sincerely believe that it'll be Turkey that leads the Gog Magog invasion. Not because I think I'm so smart (newsflash: I'm not. ? ?) or a desire to be contrary but because it seems to be where the evidence leads. However, Russia could certainly be involved as a bit player as they have some military assets in Syria. One of the reasons is that Turkey under the Ottoman Empire committed some absolutely horrible crimes in which they were never punished. (At least on this earth.) Upwards of 1.5 million people were murdered in Armenian Genocide (1915-1923) and the government of Turkey vehemently denies this to this very day. They have even spent countless billions of dollars to try to strongarm other countries into not recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Absolutely disgraceful. Not to mention the murder of up to 1.5 million other people groups such as the Greek Orthodox, Assyrian Christians, Syrian Orthodox, etc. Some of termed it the "perfect genocide." In other words, a a crime that they seemingly unpunished for. I do believe that there will be earthly justice (Gog Magog destruction) as well as Justice at the Great White Throne Judgement. In fact, it was in the pogroms of 1895-96 that the term Holocaust was first used in reference to a genocide. The New York Times reported on an Armenian Genocide taking place. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were murdered at that time. Interestingly enough, Holocaust is actually a Greek word in reference to a burnt offering. Anyway, the wicked Turkish Government is on a very dangerous path. I strongly feel their Sauron like gaze will soon turn to the Holy Land. The 100th anniversary of the end of the Ottoman Empire is in 2023 and Turkey is still bitter about it. Oh and this is not to say that all Turkish people are bad. There are many good Turkish people and many have been jailed or even murdered for speaking the truth about these genocides. There were also many good Turkish people who helped protect or shelter Armenians or other people groups from destruction. It is their governments that have been wicked and especially under Erdogan who is certain very Gogesque. For reference and these are conservative estimates and don't even list all of them, as unbelievable as that may sound: Sorry, that should read The New York Times reported on an Armenian Holocaust taking place in 1895. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/1868 Unfortunately,much of the American media still thinks that the Armenian genocide is subject to debate. Until recently, many American newspapers wrote about the "alleged" Armenian genocide or felt obliged to give equal weight to Turkey's denial of this grotesque crime. To counter such historical inaccuracy, in June 1998 the Association of Genocide Scholars unanimously defined this event as the 20th century's first genocide. Two years later, 126 Holocaust scholars, including Elie Wiesel -- awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his lifelong effort to bear witness to genocide -- published a petition in the New York Times affirming "the incontestable fact of the Armenian genocide." Denial of the Armenian genocide didn't always exist in this country. Before World War I, Americans knew exactly what had occurred. During the 1890s, American reformers launched a human-rights campaign to protest repeated massacres of the Armenian people. In September 1895, the New York Times headlined a story as "Another Armenian Holocaust." During 1915, that paper published 145 articles about the mass murder of the Armenian people, describing the massacre as "systematic, "authorized" and "organized by the government." In 1918, Theodore Roosevelt called it "the greatest crime of the war." The rest of the world also knew what had happened. In May 1915, the Allies conceived of the term "crimes against humanity" to describe the Ottoman government's massacres of the Armenian people. When the Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin coined the term genocide in the 1940s, he said that his definition was based on what the Armenian people had suffered. So what cast such a cloud of uncertainty over the Armenian genocide? The short answer is: oil and military bases. Good grief. OCD kicking in. :wacko: I do rather dislike this 5 minute limit to edit posts. :negative: Some of termed it the “perfect genocide.” In other words, a a crime that they seemingly unpunished for. I do believe that there will be earthly justice (Gog Magog destruction) as well as Justice at the Great White Throne Judgement. That should read: Some have termed it the "perfect genocide." In other words, a crime that they were seemingly unpunished for. Note: I don't actually have OCD but it does run in my mother's side of the family. I may have a touch of it. 😉 I also have maintained that Turkey was key to bible prophetic events! However it plays out, God sees and knows! Despots of every ilk always find a common enemy to hide their own shortcomings! TR I didn’t know where to place this interesting article … its about Putin demanding a piece of something famous from Jerusalem back … its the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Church. :popcorn Can’t you just picture this scenario in the works … of Putin (leader of Gog/Magog) justifying the invasion over the Golan Heights B-) After conflicting decisions by Israeli prime ministers, Putin demands ownership of church compound in Jerusalem be officially transferred to Russia By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News Prime Minister Naftali Bennett must immediately follow through on a promise given to Russia by his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu and transfer ownership of a Jerusalem church to Moscow, wrote Vladimir Putin in a strongly worded letter to Israel’s premier on Sunday. The timing of the demand is significant, as it came shortly after Foreign Minister Yair Lapid harshly criticized the Russian invasion of Ukraine, accusing Moscow of war crimes. But after Israeli-American Nama Issachar was imprisoned for traveling through a Russian airport with a small amount of cannabis in her possession in 2020, then-premier Netanyahu agreed to formally return the site back to Moscow. Israeli land registry records were changed to state that the compound belonged to Russia later that year. However, after taking office, Bennett reportedly ordered that the decision be reversed and the mater once again be determined by the Supreme Court. Up until recently, it had appeared that a Russia was willing to wait until the case played out in an Israeli court, but Lapid’s comments made have needed Moscow’s patience. Israel also recently voted to remove Russia from the UN’s Human Rights Council, a move which sparked Russian officials to summon the Israeli ambassador in Moscow for a dressing down. The Alexander Nevsky Church, also known as the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, is a prominent holy site for the Russian Orthodox Church, located in the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. During the Ottoman Empire ear, the site was registered as belonging to the “Russian Kingdom”. In 2017, Russia requested that Israel officially transfer ownership of the church and its compound to Moscow. Initially, the Israeli government held that such a change in ownership would need to be investigated and decided upon by the Supreme Court. “Now we are fighting for the return of the Compound, and it is very difficult: we were almost there, we worked for 5 years, we found all the historical documents, but the situation with Ukraine occurred, and Israel behaved as it often does - playing with both sides, playing ping pong with everyone, Sergei Stepashin, who is currently visiting Israel and manages Russia’s properties in the Middle East, told media. On Monday, Israel had yet to respond to Putin’s demand. - Fair Use - I do sincerely believe that it’ll be Turkey that leads the Gog Magog invasion. I think it's entirely possible that they may instigate it but it has to be Russian military might that does the dirty work else it wouldn't take the Hand of God to save Israel. Nukes, tanks, bombers, fighter jets, troops and so much more Russia has in abundance. Turkey is not that big of a threat. Their army only ranks 14th in the world and is smaller than that of Vietnam, Egypt, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Thailand. None of those would be that great of a threat to Israel. We'll see how it all plays out. I could very easily see the USA, for example, betray Israel and join up with Turkey. The destruction of the USA would certainly get the attention of the world and people would know that God alone did it. You also have to remember that Israel was the guinea pig for the vaxxxes. Imagine if a large number of their military and security forces suddenly became incapacitated and at that moment, the Palestinians had a massive uprising. Add in Hez-blah launching thousands of rockets and Israel would be in serious trouble. Couple that with a massive invasion from the north, south, east and west... Don't need Russia to play a major role for any of that. The world is used to seeing Israel defend herself against all of those uprisings. No one bats an eye. Throw a truly sizable military complete with nukes at her and that will get the attention of the entire world. Not sure why you are so adamant about Russia, whom almost all commentators think is Gog/Magog, not being so. But as you said, we shall see.
April 17, 2022