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How much longer...

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Oh never mind … I started listening only the first few minutes of it … Paul and Mark Begley (his son?) are laughing their heads off … so they are not taking this serious about some Tik Toc Time Traveler dude from year 2671  that made 5 predictions … they think he’s spaced out on magic mushrooms.

Besides the alien invasion …he also predicted the west coast will be dealing with 750 foot mega tsunami in March 2023.  But Paul and his son think that is a possibility with Putin and his nukes.


Someone in the comment section posted

ABOUT TIME TRAVELER, a channel on YT who was kicked off by YT was a man who was in the military. This man showed a picture of him in his military uniform with medals all over it as he was someone important when he was in the military. He was very upset what's going on in this country. Anyway one day on his channel he showed a very important document that thay really have TIME TRAVEL vehicles much like the one in "Back To The Future" movie as I read most of the document. Doesn't Satan show everything he is going to do? Ya never know if those documents were true or not. I guess we shall find out in the future as The Lord said everything will be revealed.

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Now about the TIME TRAVEL vehicles much like the ones in “Back to the Future” if this is really so … that our military got the knowledge from the aliens (demons) to create such vehicles … we know the devil copy cats God.  So could it be … we will have these TIME TRAVEL vehicles at our disposal to use in the next life?  Here I was satisfied with just watching history on a TV movie screen with 3D glasses but suppose we can actually relieve it all in real time and see how our relatives lived and the culture and be wearing the clothes in that era … the old west to Bible times.  How much fun that will be.  Talk about being in a metaverse!   And those believers that lived long long ago I’m sure would love to see how we lived in the 20th and 21st centuries with all the inventions and computer and telephone age. B-)

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i've had lots of thoughts and hopes and wondering if God would allow us (maybe after the millennium?) to go back in time and be as the angels were but with our knowledge and experience of God's grace- that we could be in a historical time and place an invisible eye-witness!  we wouldn't be crying and sad or angry and overwhelmed with disgust of sin because we would see it all from God's perspective perfectly...and maybe see all of the spiritual realm- the action that was actually going the bonus behind the scenes/how-it-was-made DVD w/ producer's commentary!  we'd hear the silent prayers and know God's compassion and see the effects of His orders to angels who protected and provided and even carrying souls from their physical bodies up to waiting arms of our Savior!  we'd feel His patience in seeing our prideful mistakes going our own ways and recognize His forgiveness and His work to use it for His glory and our good and others'....and there would be no shame, just praise for our Abba!  How amazing it would be to see the unseen and the seen from centuries before our time and on the other side of the world!

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As Billy Crone says — they are even confused in their own camp. they speak such contradictions and ridiculous statements, it is no wonder his reign is one of complete and utter foolishness. :mdrmdr:

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When we come back with Jesus and are in our eternity - time will not be looped like that — the past is the past and although a cool thought, it would mean that Jesus would have to die again, and all the things we live through now would happen again, so I am not a big proponent of time travel theories. On the other flip side of that coin, do I feel there is a dimensional component that we are not aware of, yes. Do I think that God is outside of time and controls time, yes. I believe that satan has used the concept of “time travel” as yet another distraction to pull in the doubts for humanity to face and eternal God. My lowly two-cents :whistle:

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I just saw this update … will something be planned for Nov 25th on Black Friday?


Warning for Thanksgiving Weekend! Midterms & Predictive Programming Give Eerie Forecast!

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Geri, I watched this yesterday as well and it is hard to believe they keep telling us what they are going to do, yet we do not see it… my daughter has a theory on why they tell us …. They cannot keep from telling us because God makes the mark and they can’t help themselves … :mdrmdr:

So to the video — my son-in-law is a huge X-files watcher — mostly because he says it has shown him the deception as it has grown.  This episode is from around 2018 /2019 one of the newer versions.. The thing is — they told us even before covid hit….. and all the riots, and evil of 2021/22.

CERN’s Hadron Collider is attempting to do the same thing, create an dimensional portal for guess who to come through. I have been following them for over 10 years and have watched as they can now open the portal, they just have to create the energy…..

We are so going home!!!! As to Friday — we will see what we will see per our Father’s timing …..

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A short encouraging clip from Mark Murchison … of a possible Christmas rapture :popcorn

He made me chuckle that he is practicing his… HELLLLLOOOOO FOREVER greetings.

A person in the comment section was critical and said well Christmas is not Biblical but Hanukkah sure is … well Hanukkah is linked to Christmas  … this year it ends on Christmas Day   so perhaps … :prayer-hands:  it will be thee GREAT escape day for us to be homeward bound ?

Another person mentioned many of us are so dog gone tired and some throwing in the towel and giving up the faith in watching … then quoted … “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  Luke 18:8   And was suggesting does this verse mean Jesus is referring to many will not have the faith for the rapture rescue?


This is the only vision I had in my life. I wanted to share especially for those who haven't heard it yet. No one knows the day or hour of Jesus return, but we must be definitely in the season. I love you all! Mark. Smile


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when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  Luke 18:8   And was suggesting does this verse mean Jesus is referring to many will not have the faith for the rapture rescue?

I don’t think that verse is concerning the rapture because faith in Jesus is the central theme of the entire Bible and we see it waning in these final days. I think it is about the end of the Tribulation when Jesus returns to earth.

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He has always had such a sweet and gentle spirit!  I resonate with his vision!  As like me, his vision also included a "screen"!  I read a lot of dreams and visions as well as NDE's few really resonate, but his does.  Obviously, his was to highlight the Christmas season!  Christmas was when God was incarnated into the being of a man.  Perhaps Christmas will be when we are "incarnated" into celestial beings!!!  Sixty years has transpired since my open vision, hopefully his will be realized much sooner!  TR

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