How much longer...
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How much longer...

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How much longer Lord?!  weeks, days, minutes???  The church is ready and the world is ripe for judgement!  Tarry no more Lord and call us home and gather us to Your bosom.  Let all the host of Heaven rejoice with joy giving You all honor, power and glory!  TR

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TR — not long — as we see that Ukraine just blew up the bridge that Putin told them not to or else … Putin has stated nuclear war with Ukraine and all NATO nations sooooo

As Revelation 6:3-4 :When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.“

Or another version ——

Second seal. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

So war will occur - but you notice that it is Revelation 6 — the church leaves in Revelation 4:1 — point being that if war is about to occur the Bride will be removed as this is a nuclear war. Just a few of my thoughts on the nearness of our departure upward :yahoo: :flyup:

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The Lord God Almighty is our heavenly Abba daddy!  Jesus is our bridegroom and the lover of our souls!  The Holy Spirit is our guide and our joy!  We all trust in His way, truth and life!  Faith reveals the trinity of God to each of us, while trust accompanies our faith that we believe unto the end!  Let us occupy until that appointed moment in time that we are called into His presence!  Surely the season of our home coming is upon us, and this ember fuels the light and warmth of the glow of our hope!  TR

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AMEN, TR!  Thank you, brother, for the beautiful words of comfort- He alone is our everlasting security!  May we end strong in the Lord- standing firm in our faith in Him!!

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Again, my personal opinion is that we will have a knowing in our spirits when the day of the Rapture finally comes upon us!  This is not a teaching or doctrinal truth revealed, but rather just a position of my heart!  TR

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Oh, for that day when we truly are priviledged to bow before our Lord, our King and Maker .
. Father, continue to draw us with hearts of anticipation by your gifted Spirit nearer to the reality of our Jesus' call  .

. our hearts are stirred in spirited praise and longings for the Bridegroom's call, yes  for our adored Jesus to appear in the air, to take us to where He is . .  . .  with major anticipation we look up to and for the ONE ever THE OBJECT of our praises and exaltations ~

Todd Tomlinson
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This video made me laugh out loud -- a "time traveler" is warning that aliens are going to land on earth on December 8th.   But then I thought, hmmm, maybe its all part of the ploy to explain why we're all gone.   Maybe I'll just go back to the "eye roll" response to the video -->.

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They only show gray aliens there, Todd, not reptilians, nordics, or any other alien types.  That's a little heady, no? :unsure: Perhaps on December 8 it's just a gray matter. :whistle: Think about that a moment. :mdrmdr:

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At this point in time the devil is throwing everything he can to muddy the waters and keep people from Christ!  Funny, he is not anti god, just anti Christ as he will lay claim to the title of god for himself!  Some of his attacks are brilliant and well thought out while many are just ludicrous fodder for the deceived among us!  Certainly there has always been things that go "bump in the night" all being demonic in nature.  Whether big-foot exists or not who cares?!  Whether there are still dinosaurs still on the planet who cares?  Whether there were even giants in the land, who cares?!  I will focus on my redemption through Christ, not on what ifs!  TR

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Speaking of the devil … anybody know why the aliens will invade planet earth on December 8th?  What is so special about that date?   Did anybody watch this 2 hr Paul Begley youtube?  I’m thinking on watching it :popcorn    Surely the church hast to be gone before the alien invasion??? B-)


I googled what happened on December 8th in Jewish history and I got

On December 8, 1942  Jewish leaders Press FDR to Act Against Hitler

Mr. President:

We come to you as representatives of all sections of the Jewish community of the United States.

Within recent months all Americans have been horrified by the verification of reports concerning the barbarities against the inhabitants of countries overrun by Hitler's forces. To these horrors has now been added the news of Hitler's edict calling for the extermination of all Jews in the subjugated lands.

Already almost two million Jews, men, women and children, have been cruelly done to death, and five million more Jews live under the threat of a similar doom.

The record of these heinous crimes against the Jews in Nazi Europe is detailed in attached memorandum. Every device of a perverted and malignant ingenuity is being employed to hasten the process of their destruction. The result is a crime so monstrous as to be without parallel in history.

The victims of his brutality are guilty of no crime save that they are the children of the people through whose divine law and through whose prophets the world was given the ideas which constitute a basic part of the civilization that the Nazis seek to destroy. Through the bodies of those innocents and defenseless victims the Nazis strike at civilization itself. Death and destruction follow every hero in the wake of the Nazi armies. Lands have been laid waste and their peoples destroyed or enslaved.

In the midst of their suffering, however, the peoples of Europe are sustained by a hope that the victory of the Democracies will destroy the Nazi scourge, and restore freedom to the world. European Jews share that hope. But will they live to see the dawn of this day of freedom? Unless action is taken immediately, the Jews of Hitler Europe are doomed.

In this hour of deepest anguish and despair we turn to you, Mr. President. You are the symbol of humanity's will to fight for freedom. Your voice awakened the conscience of the world to the great crime of Lidice. When hundreds of innocent French hostages were led to execution, yours was the prophetic word of democracy and human decency.

We ask you now once to raise your voice – on behalf of the Jews of Europe. We ask you again to warn the Nazis that they will be held to strict accountability for their crimes. We ask you to employ every available means to bring solemn protest and warning to the peoples of the Axis countries so that they may be deterred from acting as the instruments of the monstrous designs of their mad leaders.

We urge that an American Commission be appointed at once to receive and examine all evidence of Nazi barbarities against civilian populations, and to submit that evidence to the bar of public opinion and to the conscience of the world.

It is our earnest hope that such action as you initiate will be joined with similar action by all the United Nations.

We are of the belief that you can speak the word and take such action as will strike fear into the hearts of the enemies of civilization and at the same time bring hope and faith to their victims.

In this spirit, we appeal to you, Mr. President. Speak the word! Institute the action!

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