Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg's latest announcement: ~ ~ "Some interesting new research from our AI team to understand the world through touch.We designed a high-res touch sensor and worked with Carnegie Mellon to create a thin robot skin. This brings us one step closer to realistic virtual objects and physical interactions in the metaverse." 🙁 They will suck people into this metaverse, get them addicted to it, and then change the realities these people will be experiencing. Total control is almost here. They will stomp out those who resist. We are getting a taste of this by watching what's going n in Australia. Being in an altered state of consciousness, whether through drugs, transcendental meditation or witchcraft is extremely dangerous. It opens you up to demonic possession or oppression. Looks like this meta is going to do just that. the first few times I had meetings with other people on zoom and Microsoft teams, I had horrible anxiety attacks. it was so unreal seeing people in front of you and they were not there. eventually, I adjusted. I don't want to think how much people's minds are going to get messed up with these things. I just think it is so incredibly sad that people would prefer that to real life, to having conversations with people face to face and seeing actual sunsets and playing with our animals. It's easy to already see though, how several people in a room will sit on their phone instead of engaging with each other.... Churchgal, what I find really weird is people sitting together in restaurants and everybody seems to be texting on their phone! I remembered this joke I got on whatsapp. "Yesterday, the internet was off for 2 hours. I spent the time with my family. They really seem to be nice people" They will push this "metaverse" experience under the guise of gaming with virtual reality headsets, or should I say, they already started doing this subtley years ago with multi player "world" games. They have already honed their practices with TV and film many decades ago, again with subtle mind persuasion and "programming", which is now all too obvious to those with eyes to see, and ears to hear. yes, creepy...no thank you...more counterfeits of the original...fake not real...satan's specialties in his dark kingdom of deceit...like Loz said, they use things like this to ease masses into the worse stuff- things like "synthetic biology"...yikes...i kind of hate that my kids are so into video games where they interact w/ ppl on there and less in real life...thankfully i don't think they are into social media type stuff where they would get into this particular thing of his
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