World Economic Forum and Nokia plan to put Smart Phones in humans by 2030. Nokia's CEO said by 2030 smartphones as we know them will be no more. They wanna put them in humans. We're seeing Daniel's Prophecy from Daniel 12:4 play out right before our eyes. I recall someone saying soon we wont be buying any more cell phones or owning them … now it makes sense if they plan to put them … “inside the body”?! 😳 Like Pastor JD says in a few years the technology would be way more advanced than the descriptions in the Book of Revelation. I whole heartedly agree - we are reaching a tipping point and in my opinion getting into “Tower of Babel” territory and some of this stuff I just don’t see God allowing to stand. Frankly I feel like we can see the machine motor of the fan spinning away and are starting to catch a bad scent passing through it - wait, what does that smell like? Poo! Get out of the way its about to hit the fan! That’s how I feel lately. I strongly feel like some really nasty stuff is brewing beginning this fall and into the next winter coming - we are ripe for rescue. If the Lord doesn’t come for us by this fall, I’m not saying I will give up hope, stop watching or waiting for Him - but I will say life isn’t going to make a whole lot of sense anymore. We are not appointed to wrath. God will not beat up on His bride, but if we aren’t outta here by this fall I really feel like the devil and evil men of this world are going to do some heavy duty bride beating and I just don’t see how God tolerates that. No matter what comes, we have to endure to the end! As like so many before us! TR We won't have to wait til 2030. Remember, the globalists don't have to come up with the beast technology, methods etc...When the AC comes on the scene he will be led and supported by Satan and he will provide "lying signs and wonders" which will provide the advanced tech that is needed along with the deception as they play the technology off as "alien" technology or advance AI. Indeed, 2030 for His second coming and 2023 as the start of Tribulation seems to make sense mathematically! With a Rapture occurring some months before Tribulation! TR
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