Holding our breath....
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Holding our breath...

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Everyone seems to be holding their breath, or so it seems.  It's been awfully quiet here for some time.

Again, whenever the Rapture happens, I'm just as curious to find out which day the Lord decided on and for what reason?!  Still I look forward to the Rapture with every fiber of my being.

I also reassure my heart telling myself that time is on our side, and Jesus is just as anxious to see me as I am to see Him!


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I’m all out of high watch dates ... counting on your Nov 21st date and Lee’s list of dates to be it.   ((Pressure))

I did read an interesting article from Gary at Unsealed called “20/20 Vision: Will Our Faith Become Sight Next Year?”

Meanwhile we keep watching and waiting ...   :popcorn

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Lord bless every heart that longs for Him, in a very special way!


Todd Tomlinson
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We have a Christmas cactus that faithfully blooms every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter - interesting how a plant "knows" the significance of those events and puts on a big show of blooms only during those weeks every year.   This year, for the first time ever (in the 25 years that I've had it), it bloomed on November 1st - 3-4 weeks early - and it is absolutely full of blooms.  So I'm hoping that the plant is saying a final farewell before we head home and wanted to put on a big show.    Hoping for the 21st but waiting as patiently as I can.  His timing isn't based on my wishes 🙂

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That's cool about your plant.  Sure hope it's an omen of things soon to happen.  I know that I'm one of God's flowers, cause I've often been called a blooming idiot!  Ugh!

I can barely imagine the things we will sense and feel once the Rapture happens.  But I'd gladly give up my body any day to find out.




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LOL that is funny Todd with your Christmas Cactus plant blooming so early this year.   I have 2 small ones and they currently have buds on them because we are currently experiencing cold temps.  22 degrees right now. :negative:

Nov 21st departure does sound great! :good:

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I believe that the Lord is greatly moved by those of us who long for His appearing.  Not that we are ever asked to impress the Lord, but rather that the expressions of our love still continue after 2 thousand years!

Asking the Lord that our fellowship with Him continue to be strengthened and enhanced and made even sweeter all the more so in these last days.

Knowing that this site has helped to make my waiting on Him a little sweeter also.



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May the strength and faith of the Church continue until our hopes and dreams are fully realized!  We may be holding our breath, but praying the Lord no longer hold his.  Let the trumpet of the Lord sound!

May the season of our salvation spring forth and herald the end time of man and usher in the time of the Lord!


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Tis the 21st of November... almost sundown in Israel... I am not sure why, but I have always watched for sundown in Israel as a possible time for the rapture. Any ideas why? Do y'all have a certain time you look for?

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For me, I have always fluctuated between a Wednesday because of Jewish wedding traditions and Friday, the beginning of Sabbath. the time has always felt like around 9 pm, probably because of the lamps the Bride has ready to light. I’ll settle for anytime, any place :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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