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Have you ever had what you thought was a supernatural gift from God?

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(@Anonymous 161)
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I've been very open about my very miracle survival of 3 suicide attempts after my ex wife left me when the market crashed in 2008. All overdoses resulting in 3 different comas. There was no reason I should have lived. Im still not sure why Im alive or what his purpose is for me? Im not sure that I wanted to survive either.

I sat in my bed for months watching Jack Van Impe after these very difficult times, who brought me to prophecy and back to Christ. Smile The Angels sang at their highest when that GREAT MAN PASSED.

I would like to share what happens to me on many various occasions.

Before I share what I want to say. I strongly believe in the supernatural. I've seen 3 UFO's that have shaked my faith to the core. Thank You LA Marzulli for bringing me through those tough times.  UGHH He's such an amazing friend.

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Anyways I live next to most haunted house in Colorado. The Patterson Inn. The House is a mansion owned by a former senator who shot himself at the capital. His wife came home and hung their daughter and then killed herself. This mansion was built in the 1800s Slaves were hung from the balcony. :prayer-hands:

I've experienced many supernatural occurrences in my apartment. Objects being moved, demonic entities. LA and Russ Dizdar have worked with me to rebuke these demonic spirits.

Some day I'll share my whole testimony it really just inst believable. I've been told on many occasions to write a book but I still am dealing with a lot of anger.

So here is my supernatural regular occurrence.

I feel it when I listen to many different songs but I feel it a lot when I listen to this..

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I feel it when I listen to this.... a lot


I feel it when I'm talking about Christ to others .... Especially the lambs book of life.

The feeling I get and overwhelmingly strong is like getting out of a very cold swimming pool at the beginning of summer when its like 85 out and you lay on the hot concrete. Your whole body experiences a warm chill.

It get an overwhelming warm chill that over reaches my whole body. I feel like Im being hugged.

I have no fear of death. In fact I look forward to it.

You can say I'm irrational and that there is nothing scriptural to this, which I agree. I just hope it doesnt stop. Its a gift.

I feel like Angels are touching me or even the father in these circumstances. I dont know what it is but its an overwhelming sense of peace that is very noticeable to all 5 senses.

On the flip side I feel like Im in a spirtual battle right now that you cant even comprehend.

Another stupid share: When I walk my apartment and poor oil in all corners and claim Christ over my whole apt I feel like I can feel the demonic spirits leaving and the angels coming in and taking control.

I know that these thoughts are beyond comprehension and I feel stupid for even sharing.

But I feel them often. I just wish I felt them more often during my other bad battles.

However I am extremely grateful for them.

If I could describe them in a short sentence.

I would say that this is what Grace Feels Like if it had a feeling.

I feel like the Holy Spirit Present. Smile




















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How cool you’re friends with L.A. Marzulli and he was able to help you out!  I love his research.  Yep, there is nothing to fear since we have Jesus and we can call on His mighty name and the demons have to flee.

I googled the mansion and I see Amazon has the book  Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion (Haunted America).  One person gave testimony ... “There is a room on the east side at the garden level that has some of the piping for the rest of the house running through it and it looked to be set up as a small version of a masonic chapel.”  - fair use -

So yep, I can just imagine all the spooky junk that goes on in that place. :wacko:

Great songs!  If you’re looking for more songs to add to your collection ... google Ron Hamilton - “Wings as Eagles”, ”Rejoice in the Lord”, “My Very Best Friend”, “He is King” are my favorite and very inspirational.  If the demons start to bother me ... I immediately play his CD and they are high-tailing out of the house! Hee hee.   Also if you have the Bible on CD’s ... play the CD’s and they will leave your home so quickly as well. :whistle:

I would love to hear your testimony some day.

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Indeed having a miraculous birth, knowing the Lord's protection and provision, wrestled with a demon and overcame him, seen the Heaven's and Earth being rolled up as a scroll, seen the power of God demonstrated.  There is not only one gift from God but I have experienced many throughout my life.  Having survived 4 heart attacks and double by pass surgery I have made my eternal peace with my God!  I have enjoyed His many blessings as well.  I am no super Christian or super hero, but again, though I am nothing special in the eyes of world or the church, I am special to Him!  As we all are!


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I suppose I almost drowned when I was 6 years old but by the grace of God, I was saved.

The most supernatural gift I have ever been given from God, however, is my salvation. Me, a sinner, alienated from God and at war with God. Me, reconciled to God by a supernatural gift of Love and Forgiveness. He did it for me and He did it for you.

Amazing Grace...how sweet the sound...that saved a wretch like me.   :thankyou

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My answer to your question is yes, being saved at a young age my life has been blessed, gifted, in ways that most would think are not true many times. I guess the main one at this time is I can walk after a surgeon in 2010 after seeing all my MRI's x-rays every test imaginable flat out saying he could not believe I can walk after looking for my wheelchair after a complete exam. He asked after leaving and coming back into the exam room asking me where it was and shocked when I told him I walked in. I still can walk with major spine damage and covered in osteoarthritis. Yes it hurts but better than not walking.

I also suffered in 2008 losing my home to medical bills. A home that God had cleansed from all evil, and to this day totally believe angels stayed there with me. I can not even tell you how many people friends and total strangers would say they never felts so calm being in my home. A very simple home, but I know many times I felt a presence  of something so pure and good myself, and yes several times seeing things I can only describe as cherubs. The wife of the real estate agent who sold my home for me, his wife spent the day there at the open house . They were a older couple him being in real estate many years, she said she had after being in so many homes , pulling me aside said she had never felt a home so comfortable. This was no mansion a small three bedroom ranch almost 30 years old at the time it was sold. Also sold at the first and only open house when people were losing their homes all over , the home across the street larger and as nice with a for sale sign saying just make a offer and not selling.

I can truly say I have never lost my faith in over 55 years of salvation, I can not say I have never strayed from Gods will for me. The gift is every time He called me back to Him. Not by a bad thing happening ,  to lead me back, more often a blessing given leading back in His arms.

Once again I by no means claim in any way to being a "good" Christian as many would say, strayed many times and have spent so many hours begging His forgiveness, but after all I have been thru I can only tell you truly my life has been blessed over and over. This is not to say nothing bad has happened, actually a lot has. I'm totally disabled and have been over 15 years now living daily in constant pain I would not wish on anyone. I have had kidney stones that are not as painful as what I go thru some days, most days. However God has supplied my every need every time.

I can say every time i get so close to God and in His will Satan most surely shows up. I believe this must in some ways happen to all of God's children. We all have and probably still sin and have fallen short in ways of God's will and in all different ways. Satan always seems to know right where to attack us. Yes demons are real, I have no doubt, and yes I believe they can manifest as what most would call ghost or evil spirits. Just turn on a TV and see all the ghost hunting shows. Most I'm sure are fake but I do not believe these , most that is, have any idea how dangerous what they are doing is. I say run from evil don't go looking for it, but that is my take. God of coarse is the way to rid evil from ones life, yes they can be rebuked and gotten rid of.

I also keep holy oil and put it on my windows and doors,  I don't think its the oil itself as much as honoring God by our action and faith. I guess most people would not from the outside looking in say God has blessed and gifted my life, but they don't know the massive gifts He has blessed me with. All I can say is I believe it comes to our faith, true unshakable faith. Sitting here writing this in the late night, early morning not sleeping from pain, having  no friends to have stayed by me through this illness, very little if sometimes no money, a old truck, very few belongings, constant horrible pain. I can say never once have I blamed or gotten angry at God for any of this. I'm a sinner I deserve death, the wages of sin are death. I fell blessed right now, He loves me and He knows why all this has happened, and everything people would call bad happening all thru my life. He has and still blesses me, I'm not nor do I get depressed, sad some but very little. He knows why everything happens and that is ok with me. Heaven awaits and all this will be over and eternity  is right around the door.

This world is going down, the signs are here. Trump is not going to save us. God seems to be using him , but we know whats coming the bible clearly spells it out. Hopeful this time left some will find Christ salvation. Lately i get attacked for even saying a simple God bless you to some. All God's children are blessed, it may not be what we think we want but God knows what we need.

I do not think I'm special in anyway other than that I'm child of God and washed clean by the blood of Christ. Thanks for reading, RITAN has been like family for many years, was sad it was gone awhile but its back and thats a blessing too.

Love in Christ to all my brothers and sisters, Boulder you take care, your in my prayers.

Blake 7 :prayer-hands:

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Thanks for sharing, one and all!  God is Good!


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As an infant I also died in my grandmother's arms.  Grandfather got St. Joseph's mineral oil and massaged my chest.  I'm here!  Part of my witness when I was a young military guy I foretold a non believer that the Lord would uproot and fell a 40 ft tree right before our eyes.  At my word, this happened!


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(@Anonymous 161)
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I had a heavy sadness that I shared this, this morning. Im sorry 🙁

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No worries ... we are so glad to hear from you!   And we will continue to uplift you and your loved ones in prayer.

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The Lord knows, and we all stand with you Boulder 95!

Again I can't say why certain things happen to certain people and not others.  The only thing I have is "generational curses".  That said,  my wife and I assumed the same and prayed against those.

Also just random acts of evil by Satan!  Though we still occupy a fallen world, our Blessed Hope will save us from our sins and the evil of this world!  We stand to inherit the presence and untold goodness of the Lord!

Many see the world through rose colored glasses and remain in denial as to it's depravity.  Maintaining an altruistic view in man's goodness and humanity.  For these reasons many have convinced themselves they don't need God.  How sad!  For this is an even greater tragedy than anything the world could throw at us.


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