Hi Ritan family, This is the first time I've been able to see some form of readable pages from Ritan in the last 3 weeks or so. Has something been added/taken away in the background? Had trouble logging in and seeing correctly formatted pages. I usually view Ritan from my laptop using a Firefox web browser but all the formatting is out making it nigh impossible to read or acknowledge posts, same on my mobile phone too. I haven't changed anything on laptop or phone to disrupt being able to view correctly formatted posts. Thanks, Loz :] I'll report this Loz and hope for a soon response. Loz, I occasionally / rarely have a spread out left to right display, that when I hit the refresh button / circle, reformats the page as normal. Rare is say, half a dozen times in the last couple years, or so. Maybe once two weeks ago... :yes: Just my $0.02. :unsure: Thanks Kolleen. Yeah, all been tried Dan. I'm pretty savvy with computers but it can take 2 minutes or more for pages to refresh and maybe 1 out of 10 times refreshes to minimal formatting where I may be lucky enough to like, read or post, hence my late reply to Kolleen and your good self which I attempted on the 15th. Loz, Patricia, the belief seems to be that the troubles are on your ends. Richard had checked and basically from his wife, it seems he found nothing. He relayed he would get back if he found anything, and I have not heard back. Hello all, sorry for my delay. Are there still issues with the forums not showing for people? It has been fine for me for the last few days. I had a hard time getting the site to load all evening, but it is fine now in the middle of the night. I have suspected a weak carrier for some time for all new issues with this site since it changed over! TR