Isn't that what Noah said?! TR Absolutely! Join in the fun TR! You are always welcome! When I took a tour through the tunnels beneath the Western Wall, there was a spot marked Holy of Holies. Well, they told me that it was the closest spot you could get to it, currently. At least the closest for prayer as you are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. At that spot was a woman in fervent prayer. I pray that she has found or will find Messiah Yeshua. She looked like she meant business. Anyway, I believe the Ark is under there somewhere and will be revealed in the Tribulation period. God’s sense of humor, He takes the hair off our head and puts it in our ears! TR I guess that would make me the 4th stooge! Yuk, yuk, yuk! YUK, that’s me! TR How does an autistic pirate describe himself ?! Arrrrtistic! TR :mdrmdr: Most of my jokes go over like a pregnant pole vaulter! Not a pretty sight in any event! TR Tu Be’Shvat 2022: the arboreal New Year, Arabs in Israel unite in a war against trees. Rabbis have ruled that this conflict is an existential threat to Israel, similar to the battle of the Maccabees, and takes precedence even over the Sabbath. Al-Jarmaq, a Palestinian media network, called for Palestinians to join the Bedouin in the Negev in their violent riots against Jewish National Fund (JNF) tree planting on Sunday night as the holiday of Tu Beshvat began. The Negev Bedouin, numbering approximately 200,000, claim that the forestation project is an attempt to remove them from the land. The Israeli courts have ruled that the land is publicly owned but the Bedouin claim that they have lived on the land for an unspecified amount of time and therefore own the land. Tree planting is a national imperative. The JNF began planting in 1901 has planted about 240 million trees on some 227,000 acres. Tu Beshvat is normally the height of the JNF’s calendar. This Hebrew year is the Shemittah (Sabbatical) and it is technically forbidden to plant trees. The JNF will not be holding its customary tree-planting ceremonies this year in deference to the Biblical precept. But the tree-planting project that the Bedouin find objectionable will continue. Rabbi Dov Lior and other prominent rabbinic authorities have given permission for the planting to be carried out as it is of dire importance “for the struggle for the Land of Israel, and called on all Knesset members to come to the Negev to make the desert bloom.” It should be noted that planting trees during the Shemitta is tantamount to violating the Sabbath. If the Orthodox MKs take part in the planting, it is an admission that there is a Torah imperative to plant trees to save the land that is on the level of saving lives. Rabbi Weiss said. “This is our homeland. We plant trees as a part of the eternal covenant because future generations of Jews will be here. The Temple is the expression of this, the focus for tithing the bounty of the land and bringing the first fruits. The Torah teaches us how to live in the land, how to plant and how to harvest. Uprooting trees is trying to prevent the Third Temple and the final redemption.” For this holy purpose, the Sanhedrin plants trees every year to be used in the Third Temple. https://www.israel365news.com/265332/tu-beshvat-2022-a-war-on-trees-is-waged-in-israel/ The USA is rolling over to Turkey here. No surprise really. This also really helps their so called enemy Russia. https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1483501587351982080?s=20