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Gun Control

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Do you think the high up elite running the show will be successful in removing our “right to bear arms” before the rapture or will it happen immediately following?

After reading this bizarre yahoo story about Sol Pais, an “18” year old, who was infatuated with 20 year anniversary of the tragic Columbine school shooting, was able to not only buy a plane ticket to Colorado, but also purchased weapons in that state, without a background check.  Then she threatened the high schools ... and the next day ... the threat was suddenly removed since she was found dead with a self inflicted gunshot wound.

When chaos unfolds after the rapture ... I just wonder now if the local police will not be able to handle it all and they have to bring in the A.I. Robots to go door to door to remove the guns from the people?


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David W. Roche
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I'm guessing immediately after, although I don't think robots will be necessary.  Much depends on the amount of devastation following the rapture, which is something that can't be accurately predicted.  If there is mass confusion and rampant lawlessness, then I would suspect the authorities might act as they have done in previous disasters.  They would just eliminate anyone who posed a threat and with superior firepower, would likely prevail.

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I think that the title of "gun control" is a misnomer.  It's more like crowd control or domination!  Enslaved people can never have a means of protection or self assertion.

I believe that universal disarmament will wait until after the Rapture.  Indeed the rapture will play right into the hands of the power elite who have longed for a culling of the world's population.

Truly it's all about controlling individual will!


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I agree. I believe gun confiscation will happen after the Rapture. I also think we are not far enough along the technical highway to have robotic AI patrolling any time soon. They will use military from other countries to enforce law in the US as it is highly unlikely that US soldiers will open fire on US civilians. There are already reported cases of UN military vehicle sightings here.

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That is part of their game plan.  Foreign soldiers assigned to various nations that are non native.

As well as the tearing down of nationalism, versus a global community!  All pre-planned and thought out!  Conquer by division.  This worked in the angelic rebellion as well as in the Garden!  A proven strategy that has been used time and time again.

Sadly this will all play out to benefit the goals of the AC!



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Happily, though, this will all play out to benefit the goals of the AC for less than seven years!  Not long in human history terms.  Yet seemingly interminable at this point for hyper-hopeful watchers.  Sigh!

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I’ve had a couple of Christians urge me to buy a gun before there are none available.  I still don’t feel the need to.  They happen to be big preppers and I know they don’t believe the rapture is soon.

Also I used to watch a lot of prepper shows.  Saw a few people melt down various metal pieces into bullets. They have a mega arsenal or weapons/ammo and claim to be prepared for home invasion.  I’m sure there are many out there that are doing the same and its going to get ugly with the left behind that are not willing to give up their weapons.  So glad the Church is going to be out of here.

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If they want guns after the Rapture, my safe will have plenty that won't be of any use to me.

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Indeed the plans and schemes of the enemy have long played out repeatedly.  Even a cursory review of man's history of hatred for one another, should be a lesson for us all.  Sadly, history indeed repeats itself.

For but the violence upon the Earth, the Lord sent a flood.  And violence shall mark the end of time as well!

God's antidote has never changed.  Love God... and our neighbor as ourselves!  Because love comes from above, we must even love ourselves, as God does!

It is with humility and just living that is pleasing to the Lord!  :yes:


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Woohoo ... gotta love it .... another win for Trump and looking out for the USA citizens!     :yahoo:

Trump announces US withdraw from UN arms trade treaty!!!! By Adam Shaw

President Trump announced Friday that his administration is withdrawing the U.S. signature from the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, in response to concerns from gun rights activists that it could impinge on Americans’ right to bear arms.

Under my administration we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone, we will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedom and that is why my administration will never ratify the U.N. trade treaty,” Trump told an audience at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Indianapolis.

“I am officially announcing today that the United States will be revoking the effect of America's signature from this badly misguided treaty, we’re taking our signature back,” he said.

Former President Barack Obama signed the treaty in 2013 and sent the treaty to the Senate for ratification. Onstage Friday, Trump signed a notice to the Senate asking it to stop the ratification process and return the treaty to the White House, “where I will dispose of it.”

The treaty seeks to regulate international trade in conventional arms, including everything from tanks to small arms, specifically looking to “prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and prevent their diversion.”

But, while supporters of the treaty have argued that it could not infringe on Second Amendment rights, the document had long been opposed by the NRA -- who pointed to the treaty’s call for national recordkeeping and for governments to share those records, and claimed that the treaty meant that U.S. gun policy “could become the rest of the world’s business and subject to its approval, on pain of trade restrictions if it doesn’t meet ‘international norms.’”

Trump has been skeptical of both the U.N. and multilateral agreements and supported the NRA’s concerns in his speech.

By taking these actions, we are reaffirming that American liberty is sacred and that American citizens live by American laws not by laws of foreign countries,” he said........


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