The song The days of Elijah is great! A modern version of Soon and very soon by Paul Crouch! He will never leave us or forsake us! A comfort through the long days and nights! As each day and night apart from Him seems to get longer and more difficult! Things hoped for and the evidence of things yet not seen! But surely in the offing! May He restore our fellowship daily! TR Though I walk in the shadow of death and am soiled, in faith I leap upon the mountain tops and soar as an eagle! TR AMEN TR My favorite that was song by the US Marines in 2014 The body of Christ and family of God is much bigger than we can see or imagine! TR Hi TR, Tim LaHaye has said that he thinks we will be amazed at the millions and millions of people who are taken up in the Rapture: that it won't just be some tiny flock. I am inclined to agree. Sometimes we can place too many demands for salvation on people that the Bible does not place on people. (John 3:16; Acts 16:30,31; Eph 1:12-14) Watching47 — I am in complete agreement! The host of heaven will be diminished by the multitude of those washed in the blood …. :yahoo: And agree that we can sometimes make salvation more difficult! We often need to remind ourselves as well, the Lord knows who is and will be saved! Also as a preacher and conference speaker has pointed out, most have heard the gospel message already! TR
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