
Brethren: I am aware that this is a predominantly Pre-Tribulation Christian Rapture Forum. Thus, this is probably not written for those with that worldview (although you are welcome to pursue perusal if you wish). This is mostly written to some lone person out there on the fence seeking answers, or some discontented person doubting our Christian faith, or some angry person seeking calm in their stormy life. I am also very aware that the following is just my opinion, and that I definitely don’t claim to have all the answers -- and in most cases, don’t even know the questions. Please feel free to dismiss my thoughts at any moment and to wipe your feet from the dust of my convictions. I believe that my purpose in life is to put forth Biblical truth, despite the controversy that it may cause. To be a Soldier of Christ is just that -- a SOLDIER that is willing to “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT” despite the ramifications that will surely ensue. To those of you patient enough to endure this little diatribe, may God bless you with His wisdom that surpasses all mortal intelligence. I have contemplated writing this for quite some time, and although I do expect the Rapture very soon, I harbor tremendous trepidation about the “race to place a date” and the perceived “clout for figuring it out”. I respect the eagerness and diligence of those who crunch the numbers to form intelligent postulations from the inerrant Word of God; however, I worry about those who have not read (or only moderately read) Scripture -- and who follow only after a postulated “date” without any kind of spiritual discernment. This has ultimately led many “babes” down the path to spiritual frustration and emotional dejection. Personally, I don’t know if THE DATE can ever be figured out. I lean more to the opinion (again, my own belief) that The Rapture Day will be upon us in the “blink of an eye” without any warning, and that we must be ready, every day, for Jesus to come for us. It could be TODAY. The stories of Noah and Lot provide foreshadowing typecasts of what probably will occur on the day of our Rapture: “They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark”; and “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded” until THAT day arrived. Neither Noah nor Lot knew about the coming destruction for those around them until the very day that it occurred. Can we draw a parallel between the present current global paradigm and that of Noah and Lot? Is the world partying within the sunshine of summer while castigating Christians because we recognize the storm clouds of winter on the horizon? DO THEY SUGGEST THAT WE GET LOST WHEN WE RECOMMEND THAT THEY GET SAVED? Does the world hold us in derision because we are a hindrance to their “enlightenment” and that we aren't "woke"? Are we a threat to the world because we espouse moral ideals and a firm belief in an Infinite God -- which they deny? “But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.” Notice that Paul did not say to follow after our own interpretations, our own reasoning, or our own intellect? He advised us to follow the Word of God and to allow Scripture to flow deep into our spiritual souls and prevent the folly and frustration of following after self-proclaimed prophets. We are to follow Jesus, not man. Our seeking to determine "The Date" isn’t wrong in and of itself -- it is the “interpretations of man” which are hailed as being from God when in reality they are from our own subconscious pride that lead us into trouble. The “thus saith the Lord” verbiage differentiates the Godly posters from the mortal IMposters. “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” Notice that Peter didn’t state that one person would have a special revelation, dream, vision, or visitation in the end times that would provide us with the definitive Rapture Date. Peter stated that we are to rely upon our own reading of the Word, and let the Holy Spirit lead us into all righteousness, understanding, and discernment. In other Scripture we are provided clues concerning the Rapture, but God NEVER stated in His Word that a special “prophet” would receive revelation about THE DATE that we are all now anxiously seeking. Why do we continue to put total credence in the postulations of man instead of reading and understanding the WISDOM of God? Why do we set ourselves up for failure in this respect? “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” Though we may be beaten down and bloodied, we are not to give in to the hardships of life. God is not punishing us with these life events -- He is using these situations to bring us closer to Him and to allow us the privilege of assisting in bringing others to Eternal Salvation. It is necessary for us to endure the hardships so that our witness can shine unto others. However, it appears that too many of us are more concerned only about tomorrow’s possible escape rather than focusing the best we can today, with the time that we have left, to bring others to Salvation? “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” Reproving and rebuking those who scratch the “itching ears” these days is tantamount to being closed-minded and a rabble-raiser. Too many well-intentioned, godly Christians are more obsessed with every newly-prophesized date than they are about remaining within the safe confines of sound doctrine. Too many spend their time reading forums instead of their Bibles. They put more stock in what man/woman says rather than listening to what God says within His Word. Thus, they are more concerned with a “date” than with enhancing their destiny with God in Paradise. And they will argue until they are blue in the face that their “interpretation” is the correct interpretation -- and God help those that don’t agree with them. “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” Paul stated that we are to be looking for “his appearing” -- not a “date” of His appearing. We all know that THE DATE is close, but we still don’t know exactly what “date”. I’ve seen many well-intentioned individuals proffer many dates in the previous years -- only to revise them and submit new adjusted “dates” which then fail just as badly as the old “dates”. Yet the “babes” with “itching ears” continue to listen to these individuals and any new “dates” that are submitted. We don’t need to rely upon man’s postulations, calculations, and interpretations to determine the Rapture. We know that we are in THE SEASON. The current geopolitical, financial, and military formations in the world indicate that the exact events that God foretold would happen are ready to occur. We know that we will not be IN the storm of the Tribulation, but will be TAKEN OUT before the storm is upon the world. Thus, since we can see the shadows of the storm, we know that the rain must be close. Look up, for our Redemption draweth nigh!! In summation, God has foreordained a DAY that we will be Raptured -- He knows when, but we can only guess. And since we are mortal, it is just a guess (however informed and heavily researched it may be). I believe it will be on a normal day that we “think not”. God never stated that He would provide “special revelation” to a certain person about the specific date. We must take heed that the Word of God is pure and does not return void. If something if from God, then it does not need to be “interpreted” by man. If God speaks to us, it will come to pass without any confusion. The prophesied “signs of the times” have definitely revealed that we are in the “times of the signs”. There is no doubt that Jesus is ready to break through those Heavens and meet us in the clouds. Let us look to His Word for wisdom, and lean on His Spirit for understanding so as to continue to make intelligent guesses. But let us discontinue to seek after “prophets” without first ensuring that we are on solid foundation. May Jesus come today!!! We need Jesus -- we don't need anything further. He is sufficient for all our needs. He will lift us up and save us from this world. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Matthew 7:13 - 7:14: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Trust in Jesus -- not yourself, not someone else, not some other false god -- trust in Jesus!!! Amen, Hallelujah!! Humbly I remember very clearly one night being so excited that the Rapture was at hand, knowing from all the signs that “this was THE night”, staying up until sleep finally overtook me only to wake the next morning decimated by the fact that I was still on this sin sick planet, and I am a four decade seasoned watcher. From that time on, now several years later, I have never conceded to any date. If I was so crushed by the passing of THE date, how many new siblings were and did they walk away from their faith because of it? How damaging was that to them? It took several days for me to come out of the depressed state I was in which also means it sidelined me from being the good soldier that you mentioned. I do understand the desire to puzzle through the clues and try to figure it out. God gave us the ability to reason and a desire to be with Him, so it makes sense to me why we try to figure it out, and I’m good with that. I find many of our sibling research fascinating but I also totally agree with you that we will not know the date and at best it is only speculation. That is something we all need to keep in mind when we read others research and educated guesses, because, as you’ve said, they are just guesses. I also agree that we should be spending out time with our noses in our Bibles and not chasing every person out there with a theory. It avails to nothing good and shows that we are seeking answers from man to please our itching ears, which Scripture warms us about. To do so puts man ahead of God. Again, while I’m all for theories and speculations it needs to be kept in its proper place and that place is never to be before the Word of God, which, again, as you’ve said, is not something He gives to the “privileged” few. Well I must be the odd ball ... because I need high watch dates to jot down on my calendar :mail: or else it will be a loooong boring year to endure. :negative: This is what attracted me to the RITA board along with the J.D. youtubes were posted every Sunday night. :good: Having high watch dates is not sinful ... “nobody knows the day or the hour” does not even apply to the rapture event but for the 2nd Coming. I personally believe Jesus is pleased that we talk and discuss high watch dates ... just like the wisemen did as they were using astronomy and calculating the timeframe when Jesus was to be born in the flesh at His first coming to Bethlehem! So it was refreshing to me seeing a forum board that permitted watchers to give their theories of research of when the Blessed Hope might fall on this day or that day. Of course, I also look at signs of the times prophetic events too ... to gauge the nearest of the Blessed Hope. 😉 There are many forum boards out there that won’t allow date setting in their rules. I shy away from those boards and just rather be a lurker. I don’t worry about date setting turning the lost away from salvation because they will use any old excuse from getting saved because they love their sin and don’t really want to change their lifestyle. If a person is truly looking for answers ... they won’t let a high watch date that came and went bother them. If you seek Me with your whole heart you will find Me. Jesus says. He knows who are his sheep and not one will be lost. John 10:27-30 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one. Again ... I’m soooo glad the RITA board does allow date setting. :whistle: If I understood HI's point it's was not that watching for "high watch dates" was wrong but the way some people chase them, holding to man's teaching vs. sound Biblical doctrine that is. I find nothing wrong with examining the evidence and making conclusions, ie; high watch dates, but relying on them as the truth and "thus sayeth the Lord" types of statements is not Biblical. Ritan is all about watching for the Rapture, hence its name, but there are some who go too far. Scripture even tells us to watch and so we do. Fellowshipping and encouraging our fellow believers is what we are all about here and I find it very comforting to come to a place like this with like minded believers. What I won't do anymore is put all my proverbial eggs in one basket again. Nor will I view view anyone's interpretations as a sure thing. Mostly, I do not see that happening here. I think most of us have been down that alley too many times. “nobody knows the day or the hour” does not even apply to the rapture event but for the 2nd Coming. It's actually the other way around. 1260 after the Abomination of Desecration the Lord will return. See Revelation 12:6 6The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1, 260 days. Also, see Matthew 24:36-44 36"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. 42"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your LORD will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. I too, Yohanan, have been watching for just over 4 decades, since I attended a Jack Van Impe crusade in Miami, Fl in 1977 (could be off a year). I started reading everything on prophecy (not much then and a bit off base most). I have followed dates only to be terribly disappointed as well. About 15 yrs ago, in a study on Revelation, God did some serious talking to me. More of prophecy began to make sense, specifically the 10 virgin parable, in how we are to stay alert, be ready in season and out, stay busy about the Fathers business and keep watch, not falling asleep. Since that time, I enjoy the study on dates and believe God would not have us ignorant of the things going on and be very aware of the signs now all around us. Just like any earthly father, our Heavenly Father has planned a great event to finish the age of grace, a wedding. Brides and Bridegrooms typically know the date of the wedding, plans are made, all is put in order for the big day. It is a bit different in Jewish custom, as we are saved through a Jewish Savior and therefore have a Jewish groom, the church (made up of both Jew and Gentile) will follow a Jewish pattern in our snatching away to our wedding. I believe we will know the season, even close to an actual timeframe but it doesn’t weight on me anymore, I watch, pray, stay busy about my Father’s business, watching always and keeping my lamp wick trimmed (confessing sin), keeping oil filled (walking in the spirit). Some moments can come and go, I seek my Bridegroom and pray to see what else needs to be done. I don’t hold to the theory, that last person will get saved before we are raptured, as there will be people saved during the tribulation, God is very long suffering and would that no one should parish. My theory is simple, will what I do or say make a difference for someone’s eternity? See, I learned a long time age, it’s not about me, it is ALL about Jesus Christ and what He did for mankind. As John said, I must decrease and He (Jesus) must increase. So keep the focus always on Jesus, watching for Him, praying to Him, remaining a living sacrifice. We will know, as the trumpet will sound, and we who are alive and remain will hear it and be caught up.....that time is way closer than ever before, maybe even today. :prayer-hands: Yes, that's it, Tammie. It's about keeping everything in perspective and a proper balance. I believe it makes our Father happy to see us eagerly awaiting His Son's coming for us and it is our natural curiosity and reasoning that causes us to try to see when that will happen. He has given us many clues but just like the Jewish wedding ceremony, we don't know exactly when. He tells us we will know the season, however and it appears obvious to all of us that we are unquestionably well within that season. News events as so plainly pointing it out. We started our watching around the same time. Mine began with a book my mother had bought called The Vision by David Wilkerson. That was roughly 1977ish. Might have been a little earlier but I don't recall anymore. I remember when I read it being in total disbelief that some of the things describe could actually happen. I reread the same book a few years ago and it was like reading newspaper archives. Two things in particular stood out as difficult to believe. One was children killing their parents. When the Menendez brothers murdered their parents in 1989 I remember chills running down my spine and what the book had prophesied. The other was an unstoppable flood of pornography in the home. Of course, there was no such notion of the internet back then. My, have times changed! I thought you were going to say your first prophetic book was the “Late Great Planet Earth” because it seems like everyone under the sun read that in the late 1970’s early 1980’s. As far as “no one knows the day or the hour” I lean towards its in reference to “2nd Coming” vs. the rapture because .... Joel 3:15 says “The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will no longer shine.” So those living in tribulation time will not be able to calculate the rest of the 3 1/2 years remaining and will be surprised at the brightness of Jesus’ Glory when He comes down from the sky on His white horse. The way I see it the faithful Jews hiding in Petra won’t be packing any bags when they flee to the hills. So how will they have 3 years worth of paper calendars to mark off the passing days? Or iPads with access to electronic calendars? Or will the Angels supply them? :unsure: I did see a snack bar with vending machines and a flat screen tv right near the Ancient City of Rock entrance. Perhaps the angels will keep the electric power going and refilling the vending machines and food supply in their kitchen refrigerators and will keep the tv service active so they get world news and can keep tabs on what the AC is up to? :unsure: If I’m not mistaken, I think Thomas Maples believes the same about “no one knows the day or hour” applies to the 2nd Coming but I can’t recall the exact eloquent words he used on the RITA facebook side. 😉 There are a myriad of verses which addresses the second coming with great detail. But sadly those that speak of the Rapture are open ended and vague! So we know that 7 yrs after the Rapture the Second Coming is due, so if you want to hide the Rapture your in essence hiding both events. To be quite frank, I concern myself with the Rapture only! In depth studies and details of the second coming have not captured my imagination or attention. That's just the way I roll. I'm glad for the studies for those that might be able to find them in those days. And I am looking for a more clear vision of the Rapture as time goes on! Again, it seems that time is on our side, for we have far fewer days before us than behind us! TR :amen: T.R time is on our side and time is literally running out for the Church Age. :good: I still expect that we all will have a heads up notice as thee Blessed Hope Day nears. Even if its with some catastrophic event (like Elam’s destruction) or if the changing of leadership occurs in Iran ... and the Shah of Iran’s son is placed back in power once more. I then expect the people in that region to have a false sense of security and perhaps say “we now have peace and safety” ... I think all of us who are watching will say AHA ... won’t be long now! :whistle:
My two cents for what it’s worth and I agree, it’s all about how we are focusing on the process of our waiting....