During the NASA footage, the space agency workers are discussing maintenance on the space station. However, at one point, the NASA live camera suddenly “notices something down there and begins to zoom in on it”. Scott Waring said: “That is NASA zooming in on the UFO, not me. They are as baffled by it as I am. They don’t know what it is or why it is there. During the feed, they mention coordinates, and that could be secret code as to the location of the object. They don’t want to be too obvious. They never mention anything else about it. Describing the footage, Waring added: “It looks like its in a cone-shaped. I’ve never seen a module in this shape. It doesn’t like any kind of object I have seen before. If it is military, then it is a top-secret US air force technology https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/nasa-cameras-international-space-station-film-ufo-over-20-minutes/ I get a kick out of Zechariah 5:1 description ... “Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.” :mdrmdr: Let us again be clear here. Extra-terrestrials are not terrestrial, but rather inter-dimensional beings! Though spiritual demonic beings can take on form and occupy space, their mission is not the well being of mankind. But they are agents of spiritual deception. As to whether or not there are other "beings" somewhere in the universe, we are not conclusively or expressly informed. And given we are pre-warned that even Satan can appear as an angel of light in order that he might deceive! We should avoid any notions of humanitarian intent of "aliens". Indeed they are alien to what God has created! There will however be power in the name of Christ! Speaking the name of Christ and praying with all spiritual assurance will make even extraterrestrials disappear. TR According to the remarks on YouTube, that was the Interorbit Communication System being jettisoned, as it was no longer needed, and being tracked to make sure it didn't hit the International Space Station on future orbits. That was the reason for the operation to begin with. So basically, they were just taking out the trash. I have to agree with the YT commenter who said if this were really a UFO the feed would have been cut. TENDER REED Let us again be clear here. Extra-terrestrials are not terrestrial, but rather inter-dimensional beings! Though spiritual demonic beings can take on form and occupy space, their mission is not the well being of mankind. But they are agents of spiritual deception. 100% AGREED but most people actually believe these are beings from another world coming to help. Just like LA Marzulli said. Its the Coming Great Deception. When they say their guide is "To Serve Man," they're talking about a cookbook. (Twilight Zone reference.) Soylent Green? :wacko: If it can be imagined by man, it will come to pass! TR As LA Marzulli is fond of saying, “When we go up, they show up.” "...and behold a flying roll" Sounds like something you'd find on the sushi menu :good: The "UFO" is more than likely something developed by NASA and/or the USAF. Imagine what people thought when the first videos of the B2 Stealth Bomber were released by UFO hunters. I saw it flying in Southern California once and even stopped my car and got out to watch it fly overhead. It was the most unusual thing I'd ever seen.
The calmness with which the camera follows the object does not suggest to me that anything unusual is happening.