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Five Doves November 13th, 2022 Letters.

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Five Doves November 13th, 2022 Letters.

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If nothing happens today … looks like we need to circle :mail:  and watch for these dates as well … :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Nov 15th   (Will there be a peace and safety speech at G20 Bali meeting to end Ukraine war?)

Nov 19th  (The bizarre multi-faith shindig is taking place in Egypt from November 6th - 18th.  Ends on the 18th)

Nov 22nd  (or will a peace and safety speech be planned on the UN council anniversary of peace agreement with Israel & Arabs living side by side in Jerusalem?)

then 2 days later will this happen …

Nov 24 (is a suitcase dirty bomb planned for NYC Thanksgiving Day Parade)? :wacko:


Per Fay

While they are saying 'Peace and Safety'? The G20 extravaganza on November 15th (to be held in Bali) should prove interesting …


It's only Monday November 7th and the media is chattering louder about potential 'making nice' between the USA and Russia. AND - the Russians have said that they are not going to take revenge on the UK for the Nord Stream pipe destruction. Huh! Not that the UK has admitted to destroying the pipeline, there are strong suspicions. Of course, the UK deny this allegation vociferously.


Reading the article will waken your prophecy alarm bells because there is a definite flavour of 'peace talks' appearing in the media regarding the November 15th G20 meeting in Bali. 

This gathering of religious leaders in Egypt is a strange one. A new Ten Commandments? On the so-called 'Climate Crisis'? This bizarre multi-faith shindig is taking place in Egypt from November 6th - 18th. Overlapping with the G20 meeting in Bali on November 15th. Apparently, Joe Biden will be popping in on the Egypt bash when on his way to Bali for the G20.

I wonder if this is the true reason for the Georgia Guidestones being blasted and dismantled on July 6th, 2022. To make way for the brand new 'Ten Commandments' of climate justice? Seriously, Doves - could things get any more peculiar?


Per Elliot Hong

“Suitcase Nukes and 2 Possibilities"


1) Trump says that he will make a "very big announcement" on 11/15.

It reminds me of the Kim Fisher's dream.
Trump started to count from 15 and counted "19" extra loudly.
No doubt Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse with the occultation of Uranus on 11/8  was a huge Sign.
It's 11 days from 11/8 to 11/19 and 11 means Judgment.
It's 8 days from Cheshvan 17(11/11) to 11/19 and we all know the meaning of 8.


2) Obama made a suspicious remark at the Nuclear Security Summit in Netherlands on 3/25(3/24 in US) in 2014.
He said that I'm much more concerned a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.

This coming Thanksgiving Day is 8 years 8 months from 3/24/14.
It's 17 days from the huge Sign on 11/8 to 11/24 and we all know the meaning of 17.
It's 13 days from 11/11 to Thanksgiving Day and 13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.
Could the explosions occur during Thanksgiving Day parade? :wacko: 

The new moon of Kislev, the 9th month begins from the sunset of Thanksgiving Day.

9 represents Human Gestation and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.  The prophecy of the new moon of Colossians 2:16-17 must be fulfilled.


Hopefully one of 2 possibilities becomes a reality this time.  Maranatha!


- Fair Use -


Perhaps Today
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On a day you think not - all these days you think - lol

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😂 so true …

Last night I was trying to find an update on the grand opening date of the OWR Abrahamic House ceremony in UAE and there is absolutely nothing … I find it very odd with keeping it all a mystery.   Gotta wonder if the rapture gets tied in with that event?   Meanwhile the ⏰ keeps ticking … only 7 weeks left before 2022 is over.  B-)

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The Abrahamic Family House: A Recipe for Diluting the Faith
by William Kilpatrick | Nov 2, 2021

The question is this: If you believe in the power, authority, and divinity of Christ, and if you believe in His startling claim that He is the only way to the Father, why would you want to simply dialogue with members of other faiths? Shouldn’t you want to convert them? Likewise, why would you want to form a unity of religions in which each retains its “unique character”? Wouldn’t you want to convert those other religions to the Church established by Christ? That seems to be what Christ desired when He told His apostles, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Yet Pope Francis and others in the Church leadership don’t seem terribly interested in making converts to Christ...

Yet, belief in the Trinity and in the divinity of Christ is not shared by Jews and Muslims. In fact, the religion of Islam vehemently rejects these beliefs. So, the price of entry into the Abrahamic House is to de-emphasize the central elements of your faith.



Patricia N.
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Neil Lipken (13 Nov 2022)  Five Doves:
"Because of current celestial signs in the heavens, this gentleman believes the Rapture could occur in the next two weeks."

Joel 2:30 and Luke 21:25 tell us that there will be "signs in the skies" in the End Times.   This is a very short video (4:18 minutes), and I found it most interesting.   Is this true?   I don't know, but I found it interesting enough to send to my prophecy email friends.   Based on celestial signs, this gentleman believes that the Rapture could occur in the next two weeks or so.   Again, I don't know, I am just passing this on.   But.......... Russia is getting tired of this war with Ukraine and may do something drastic before winter sets in.   The West is pouring military equipment into Ukraine, and supposedly the U.S. military is in Ukraine to act as advisors.   Russia has lost somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 soldiers since the invasion began on February 24th.  Could this war get out of hand and expand to the "sudden destruction" / Rapture event?   It is possible, which makes this video even more interesting!

Patricia N.
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Steve Mullin (13 Nov 2022)  Five Doves
"Interesting vision about the time after the rapture from a Christian"

Steve says, "While listening to this testimony, it rang true in my spirit. It definitely aligns with scripture and the man seems genuine in my opinion. The vision is from 2020, but seemingly very relevant."

(I just wonder about the children.  Maybe only Christian parents' kids went in the rapture?)

Perhaps Today
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Maybe, children during the flood were not saved, right...Maybe thru grace we have accountability for children....

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I had a Christian comic book in the 1970’s about the rapture … front cover was the hospital maternity ward and the nurse is screaming down the hall to the other healthcare workers … “all the babies are gone!” and I recall my brother saying to me “that is not true” only the believer’s kids will be rescued and raptured out.  I still remember vividly that conversation.

I’m leaning more now to that theory.  Cause during Passover … only those families who had the blood on the door post and if they applied it on their barns or tents for their cattle … unless they brought all their cattle inside their homes too were  all saved.

I also lean in the flood … the children didn’t make heaven because … it says the whole earth was fill with giants and corrupt (meaning their bodies had their DNA tampered with and no longer fully human) … only Noah lineage was still 100% perfect … he still had a sinful nature but his body was still 100% human as well as his offspring.

Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.  And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy household. (This includes children and pets … just like in Passover).


Looks like from this verse as long as there is a believing parent in the home … then the children will be saved and raptured out.

I Corinthians 7:13-14

And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.


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Indeed much to scrutinize and comment on!  Good point about Noah's day and the children being lost!  Yes we do indeed live in the age of grace, but as such we are no better than Noah's time!  Makes one wonder if the teaching of the age of accountability was a teaching of man or of God!  And when the head of the household was saved so was his house!  Or will it truly be as in the days of Noah?!  I always envisioned even with unbelievers children under accountability and in the womb would also disappear!  Especially for those with no parents!  Oh bother, another point which yet pulls on our heartstrings!  Secondly, the timing of this vision I find interesting.  May 17th?!  So then did the Rapture occur in the Springtime?!  Hmmm!  Was this vision from God and if so, why was it necessary?!   Indeed, we already knew all hell would break loose!  Yet on first reading it also seemed to ring true with me!  Though I am ready at any moment, Dec 17th was also a calculated high watch date!  Truly, with each day's passing we ever move closer and closer!  TR
