Five Doves December 12th, 2021 Letters. Sadly, lots of legalism found in the letters. :negative: The very first one says obedience is the very essense of salvation. Only in that Jesus was perfectly obedient to the Father is that true. However, he seems to be implying it is us that need to be obedient for salvation. This is a works based salvation which is heretical. Faith is the very essense of salvation. If it were obedience, none of us would be saved. Preach it brother! If we have faith in who Christ is then we have hope in all His promises, and love for Him and one another! TR I always look forward to seeing Five Doves on Sundays. John Tng has been faithful all these years to post everyone's thoughts and articles, and every week there are more and more of them. It must take a tremendous amount of effort. On that site, there is more diversity of ideas but I don't mind that. I just take to heart the ones I think are correct and ignore those that seem to come from left field. We should be very grateful to him. I'm sure he will be richly rewarded in heaven for his service to God's kingdom. :agree I enjoy the sound doctrine :bible ones and found them a source of encouragement each week … while overlooking the wayward :calvin off the wall ones. I had a good laugh at Garry B’s this week … he is trying to pinpoint the rapture event … and totally skips over one VERY important verse … Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. So he has the rapture at the 6th seal … in Revelation 6:14 :negative: Got to wonder what Bible translation he is using … perhaps Revelation 4:1 is totally missing? :unsure: —————- Garry B OUR RAPTURE DOOR TO HEAVEN IS OPENED ......... Our rapture door to heaven is opened according to : Revelation 3:8 "I know thy works, Behold, I have set before thee AN OPEN DOOR which no man can shut; for thou has a little strength and has kept My Word, and has not denied My Name." The same RAPTURE DOOR is spoken again as the sky opening up in seal six according to : Revelation 6:14 "And the heaven DEPARTED AS A SCROLL when it is rolled together ...." SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT : As an event of SEAL SIX, His Body of Christ Church is resurrected / raptured, and then ascends to MEET THE LORD in the air through the "OPEN DOOR" which is "SET BEFORE US" when the sky "DEPARTS AS A SCROLL ROLLED TOGETHER" during the events of Seal Six. Then AFTER the rapture happens in Seal Six Jesus opens THE 7th SEAL which BEGINS the Great Tribulation upon the whole world. - Fair Use - well that's only if we are not part of the hundreds of millions that die in the first five seals...... :wacko: but we should encourage one another as we see the seals approaching :calvin .....sorry my sarcasm is as strong as my coffee this morning :mdrmdr: I agree Geri.....he's got it wrong, but won't he be pleasantly surprised when he gets outta here before all that :yahoo: Ah! Two of my favorite things.....sarcasm and strong coffee! :good: Good morning, Everyone! Good morning, everyone! And for those who prefer the sophisticated taste of delicious hot cocoa over “the coffee” Cheers … Hot cocoa, nectar of God! TR While, I respect a diversity of opinions over non-salvific issues such as the timing of the Rapture, espousing a works based salvation is something I cannot respect. It is heretical and dangerous. Should they invite people with a Muslim or Hindu point of view or would that be a bridge too far? I certainly respect all the hard work it takes to create and sustain 5 doves. It's certainly not an issue of ingratitude. *Steps off soapbox and takes off grumpy old man persona* :wacko:
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