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Five Doves August 29th, 2021 Letters.

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Perhaps he will get raptured out with us?  I base this on what someone else posted back in April … he said Donald and Melania  attended their church for Easter Sunday.  If he wasn’t a believer why would he go?

Call me a sucker … but I want to think his motives were still to better our country… he is a nationalist and wanted to make America great again.   He was turning things around … made America not dependent on overseas oil … we saw with our own eyes the gasoline prices going down at the pumps.  He was creating more jobs in America and getting the economy going again despite all the naysayers trying to stop him every which way.  He wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve system.   Too many were angry with him including Macron because he didn’t cave to the NWO agenda.  They even tried to kill him … he was secretly meeting with Mohammed bin Salman in another high rise hotel … this is what the Las Vegas shooting was really all about … they had to create a diversion.  He couldn’t trust anyone in his cabinet … kept firing people left and right.  Just too many swamp rats in high places.  Not just in politics, they are the popular journalist and newscasters too.  They are all for the NWO.  Google who is a member of the council of foreign relations … :wacko:

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Well, I certainly hope so. I don't want him to perish.

My head doesn't think he is saved but my heart desperately wants him to be.

Whatever the case, I hope to find out the answer really, really soon. 😉

Todd Tomlinson
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I wish I would have copied the URL of an article that I ran across this week that talked about how the whole world is leaderless at the moment.  It talked about 46 and how all of the EU is struggling with a lack of leadership.   It mentioned Asia/Pac as well.   It seemed like a perfect mental setup for the one who will appear on the world stage in the not too distant future.   Just glad that I won't be here to watch all of those left behind who clamor to follow this person.

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The unraveling of the whole world and it's systems could only be accomplished by God's hand!


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