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Five Doves August 15th, 2021 Letters.

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Five Doves August 15th, 2021 Letters.

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Just wondering your thoughts on this article from

I Corinthians 10:31 @ 5 Doves

Los Angeles city council UNANIMOUSLY approved to “starve out” unvaxxed by  not  allowing them to shop for food inside grocery stores!!!!  Voted August 11 – a mere few days ago…. Not sure when this is to actually begin???

Hal Turner Radio Show - Biden COVID adviser publicly promises national vaccine passport in ….  3 1/2 weeks   Hmmm … that would bring us to Feast of Trumpets 😉    She claims she read a quick article - its about a permanent kind of “proof”  (which spells out to her … the mark of the beast – engraved on the hand or head!!.... what could be more permanent??)

Then this:  and BTW, I’m not trying to say I told you so – because they had this long planned!!  But I did write just a few weeks ago that not only would they blame the unvaccinated!!!   Not only that – but I suggested the way the mark of the beast would work, it’s purpose -- in addition to pledging allegiance to the AntiChrist – will also be to prove one has “been vaccinated!!!  Now that’s just my theory.  I’m not alone in this, J.D. Farag whom you’re no doubt familiar with, is, I’m pretty sure, saying the same thing.   Because all nations are deceived by sorcery!!!!!  =pharmacy   [pharmakeia]

Sooooo…. My, my, my:  What do we have here????   The illustration is on the left hand, but regardless, the idea and plan is certainly still there!

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Here are my thoughts … I’m personally noticing some of the chapters in Revelation … the events overlap one another.  Just one example is Revelation 22:20-21 “… surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus …” is clearly describing the rapture event and that takes place early on in Revelation 4:1.  We also see that the mark of the beast is in place Revelation 13 … but yet … we are being told in 3 1/2 more weeks a permanent I.D showing you’re in compliance with being vaxxed will be rolled out so you can buy and sell :wacko: … ok lets suppose this really is the real McCoy “mark of the beast” … could it be … the rapture stops this in its tracks from taking off and delays the whole sinister process til mid point of the trib? :unsure:    With the chaos and confusion from the rapture event … I think it will take some time to calm the left behind … and then … with the seals opening up … the evil elite will be hiding in their underground homes … how much time before they think the coast is clear to come out of their holes again? :unsure:   All these events seem like it might push their agenda to mid point … B-)






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OH … please also go to the thread that KMDickinson started  “Intrigue in 3 1/2 weeks” and watch the short youtube that Blue posted early this morning … its about what the mark could be … :whistle:

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Ok … this clip is going to be controversial …

Steve Monette’s 9 minute clip


Someone in the comment section said

Revelation says God will send an Angel to all the parts of the world to warn people not to take the mark.... that has not happened yet. That’s one reason I don’t believe the vac is the mark. I would never take the vac, it’s poison, but I don’t believe it is the mark.

Another replied with

Thats because we aren't in the tribulation yet, no where does it say the mark isn't here before that. The Bible just says when the antichrist will mandate it. Logic actually says its around before that as it can't be mandated without it being present before the decree.


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Here’s a thought …

what if the Lord permits a few mega earthquakes … in strategic places … perhaps this could slow down the push for the vaxx mandates? :unsure:


These are a few comments I saw about the upcoming quakes …

God is getting ready, watch Mary Greeley and Dutch sense on earth quake's. Yellowstone is waking up and USGS isn't reporting !!!!

Dutchsense just did an earthquake report and he is putting an alert for a 9.0 watch!

Southern California be on watch for the next 5 days. Per dutchsinse on YouTube

Hmmm … coincidence between a possible quake hitting Southern California and this …  Los Angeles city council UNANIMOUSLY approved to “starve out” unvaxxed by  not  allowing them to shop for food inside grocery stores? :unsure:

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9.0? That would be absolutely devastating. Cry
Haiti just got hit by a 7.2 magnitude EQ which was actually significantly stronger than the 2010 EQ.

Things are heating up geologically and spiritually.

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Per the world earthquake report for August alone (15 days) we have had 7228 quakes - over 4K are 2.0

Summary: 1 quake 8.0+, 3 quakes 7.0+, 6 quakes 6.0+, 184 quakes 5.0+, 636 quakes 4.0+, 1996 quakes 3.0+, 4402 quakes 2.0+ (7228 total) —- we have had 20 in the past 24 hours that are large and measure to a depth of 10 km or 6.2 miles down.

For July the Summary: 1 quake 8.0+, 10 quakes 6.0+, 152 quakes 5.0+, 1090 quakes 4.0+, 3680 quakes 3.0+, 7904 quakes 2.0+ (12837 total)

We are on track to double July’s totals for August and don’t forget the earthquake swarms in July at Yellowstone Park —-total of 1,008 earthquakes in the area. These quakes came in a series of seven swarms, with the most energetic event occurring on July 16. Most registered 3.6 or below.

The earth is trembling under the weight of sin ——-

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James Callaway
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IMHO, the treatment called the COVID vaccine is not the "Mark." Reason being the Mark has a two fold purpose: no man can buy or sell, and the mark involves the identity of AntiChrist.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Name of the beast, or number of his name is inferred to the Mark. The treatment is not an identity of any particular individual. I would agree this treatment is precursor technology that enables the Mark to be enforced.


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Hi James,

I understand what you’re saying … the AC isn’t revealed yet  and won’t be until after the rapture.  However, if they should roll-out the mandatory vaccine passport (aka QR Code tat) in the next 3 1/2 weeks and we are still here and the AC isn’t revealed yet … would you change your mind if you saw 666 stamped along with your social security number or an assigned social credit score number?  Or will they hide the number as WWW which I think also equals 666.


And behind the scenes …

would you still feel comfortable that the name of this COVID contact tracing bill  is called … HR6666   Do you feel this is still acceptable and harmless?  How about everyone else … I’m curious what you all feel about this?

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The MOTB involves worship and it is to be on the right hand or forehead. Those things haven't happened yet.

I believe the current shot is laying a foundation and is getting everyone in the database, so to speak. Get them hooked up to the internet so that centralized control will be much easier and they can download updates in the future.



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