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Five Doves August 13th, 2023 Letters.

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Five Doves August 13th, 2023 Letters.

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Neil Lipken’s article is … right on the money! :good:


Neil Lipken (13 Aug 2023)

"Almost everything is now ready for the Third Temple, but the Rapture must happen first!"

For Third Temple construction to get underway, the Rapture must happen first, and then the covenant with the antichrist to begin construction!   If Israel was to begin Third Temple construction now up on the Temple Mount, riots would break out amongst the Palestinians and Arabs in general.   So the Daniel 9:27 covenant must happen before construction begins, and that means the Rapture before that!   So........ the Rapture MUST now be drawing very near!   I personally believe that the Daniel 9:27 covenant with the antichrist will consist of two things------ 1.  Israel gets to build the Third Temple with the antichrist guaranteeing Israeli security,  and 2.  In trade the Palestinians get to form their State.


P.S.   Is everyone ready to go "Uppity-Uppity" in the Rapture?   To have one's ticket, one must personally know Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ!   You do not want to be here on earth for the subsequent terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period!   Just read the book of Revelation!   The Tribulation is totally awful almost beyond human comprehension!   It will be the worst time period in all of human history!   Israel is now more than 75 years old, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible, "this generation (from Israel's establishment as a state in 1948) shall not pass" until all end time events have come to pass, including the Second Coming at the conclusion of the Tribulation Period.

P.P.S.   Oh by the way, are all the churches now talking about the upcoming Rapture and subsequent Tribulation Period?!   Nope, very very few!   Why not?   Go read Matthew 24:39 and surrounding Scripture!   That's why not!

I’m inserting the verse 

And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

P.P.P.S.   So why are so many pastors not talking about this incredibly important topic late in these End Times?   Quite simple.   They fear men more than they fear God!  They don't want to get anyone upset in their congregations.  People pleasers rather than God pleasers!   Go read Galatians 1:10 in the New Testament!   That says it all!

I’m inserting the verse 

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

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. . " concerning the ashes of a red heifer and a rebuilt Temple: on Aug. 8, 2023, it was reported that the Jews are only months away from having a red heifer that is old enough to sacrifice.

It has also been reported that the Israeli government has discretely shifted some funds to prepare for purification services and possibly the construction of a third Temple.

According to the report, very little is being said about this because it is an explosive issue.  "

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PS  Gee, if my internet would work right that would be swell.
