Having the evil worldwide plans exposed including corrupt governments, alerts evil men that God is still on the throne! As the Rapture also will declare God is still on His throne and sovereign! Can we expect justice and punishment from the hands of men?! Not hardly! That remains in the hands of God! That said, why are we still here?! Evil has already been judged by God! For Christ will receive His bride, then the nations and peoples of the Earth for judgement! TR God is still on the throne, and I'm ready to rise... Again, seems to me that the Lord is exposing evil not so much as an open indictment against them. As all have sinned and every heart is desperately wicked! But rather to reinforce that having chosen Christ, we have chosen wisely! TR We now have a built in countdown! Seven days till inauguration day! Maybe we should climb into the Ark?! TR I’m right behind you. Things seem to be going from bad to worse. Not by power nor by might, but by His spirit sayeth the Lord! TR For years at every election we were instructed and encouraged by church leaders to vote! Having done our scriptural duty and voted, all to no avail apparently! God's plan seemed to center on exposing evil and the late hour in which we live! TR i just pray that if He leaves us here a while still that He will make it VERY clear to us what His plans are for us in regard to the evil we will face....there are so many all over the world who face evil to extents i cannot even imagine who are supernaturally able to love their enemies - to forgive them and to even want good- as in salvation- for them, and because of this work of God within and thru them, some are saved from their sin and the eternal separation from God in terrible damnation with satan and demons where they were headed... on the other hand, God has also recorded for us many accounts of times He used His people as instruments of His wrath on unrepentant evil... we have to fully humble ourselves before the Lord and allow His work in and thru us however that may look...it's scary, but it is also freeing...it's His battle...we choose to be under Him and just follow orders in trust that His Way is always best for us and for His glory- not ours...nothing needs to be personal...we aren't here for survival or for revenge of personal injustices...we are here by Him and for Him...we get to let go and just stay yoked with Jesus! we know how it all ends...evil loses...praise God! Love that! :good: Worse will be better if it means our red sea moment is about to happen : )
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