Every rose has a beauty and fragrance like no other! Yet it is accompanied by thorns. Also the Rose of Sharon who was crowned with them! They keep us from thinking too highly of ourselves and protect us spiritually. Most of all, what a joy to be a thorn in the side of Satan! In this life they are inseparable. Both rose and thorn each have something to contribute. But in glory, the rose will never smell any sweeter, and the thorn will forever vanish! The sweetness of the rose of Sharon to see us through the struggle, and the thorn transformed into rewards! TR I thought the Rose of Sharon was a Hibiscus? ? Hibiscus syriacus, to be exact. No thorns on that but beautiful flowers. That's botanical tradition, though. Here is a good article on the rose of Sharon on bible.org They seem to think it is a crocus. A humble but beautiful flower. Like we all should be. 😛 https://bible.org/question/where-did-idea-jesus-rose-sharon-come Oh and please don't see my interjection as criticism. I think it could provoke a good discussion. I love your thoughts on thorns. Jesus took the curse of thorns upon himself in order to redeem the world, as well as us. Could be right Arthur. Just exerting poetic license. In any event, Chtist is still called a Rose! TR Yes, our Saviour is a Rose. One day, the cemeteries will no longer have roses or rows. :good: BIG :amen: Well said, Arthur! :rose: TR: This was a beautiful thought you shared here. And just FYI -- many see the Song of Solomon as a picture of Christ and the church, and that Jesus is the flowerage. "I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys." (Song of Solomon 2:1) Jesus is way more beautiful, way more abundant, way more diverse, and way more ubiquitous than we can even imagine. One day we won't need to imagine anymore -- He will be our reality! Humbly As Shakespeare once said “a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet” :rose: Thorns and thisles were part of our curse. He redeemed every portion of the curse! TR By taking our curse upon Himself! TR
One day, no more thorns for us, or the world. :thankyou
He also rose from the dead. That means everything. :yahoo:
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