Look! ~ ~ above the earth! Jesus is returning with His Bride, . . The heavenly Groom’s face above it, announcing: “I make all things new” . . hear His roar, oh earth and the Heavens . . . so loud that everything shakes . His hands on either side of the earth, our Creator clapped the earth together so hard that it became dust. Then He molded it back together like spinning clay on a potter’s wheel, churning forth a beautiful new earth that sparkled and glowed. Behold! Our Jesus smiled filled with joy over His deep satisfaction and pleasure with the new creation. Indeed He takes great pleasure and enjoyment in creating! No telling what’s in store, but it will be glorious saving the best for last! Again, I can only imagine the Rapture and the seven year Chuppa experience having one on one with Jesus! TR That was beautiful Donna. Oh, I can’t wait for that day. :yes: I got a question with this passage … is the new Jerusalem going to hover over the new earth and be seen in the first heaven (the sky) or will it be transferred on the physical restored earth? And is the clue this event might happen on Feast of Tabernacles? :unsure: Revelation 22: 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. I envision it hovering! Why not?! TR ~ I'm thinking the New Jerusalem will hover over the earth during the 7th millinium, thereafter when our Lord makes a new earth and new heavens, the New Jerusalem will be a part of the new earth's' foundation ~~ I agree, after the Earth has been fully cleansed and sanctified! TR I remember Jack Van Impe mentioning that it hovers above the earth. I miss him all of a sudden. I hope Rexella is hanging in there. I believe it will float above the new earth — I found a few depictions of man’s imagination according to their interpretation of Revelation 21 Interesting the differences
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