Give me that old time religion! TR As to the timing of Jesus’ birth, IMHO he was conceived on Hanukkah and born on Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) I believe there is strong evidence for this. I am not adamant about this, though. Of course this goes without saying but this is not a salvation issue. It needn’t divide anyone. Jack Kelley addressed this issue: If the Hebrew calendar was the same as ours you might have a point. But it isn’t. They actually use two calendars. Their religious year begins in mid-March and their civil year begins in mid-September. But if you read a little earlier in Luke you see that Elizabeth became pregnant and remained in seclusion for 5 months (Luke 1:24). Then in the sixth month, Mary was visited by the angel. Most scholars believe the sixth month in Luke 1:29 refers to the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. In my study called Happy Birthday Lord Jesus, I showed that Elizabeth most likely became pregnant in the month we call June, meaning Mary became pregnant in the month we call December around the time of the Jewish feast of Hanukkah, placing the Lord’s birth in the following September. King David had divided the priests into 24 courses (divisions) to serve rotating one-week periods in the temple. All 24 divisions served during the Feasts and so each one also served twice a year on rotation. The religious year began about mid-March on our calendar and right away there were nearly three weeks of preparation and Feasts; Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Then the divisions began their rotation. Comparing Luke 1:5 to 1 Chronicles 24:10 shows that Zechariah was of the division of Abijah, number eight in the weekly rotation. Counting the time all were on duty and the eight weeks in rotation when Zechariah’s turn came puts the visit by Gabriel about 3 months into the religious year. A normal 9 month gestation period places the birth of John the Baptist at the beginning of the following religious year (mid-March, remember) and indeed there are many who believe he was born on Passover. Let’s convert this to our calendar to avoid further confusion and discover a fascinating possibility about December 25th. In all probability John the Baptist was conceived in mid June and born the following March. According to Luke 1:36 Mary conceived in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. That means that our Lord was conceived in late December and born in September. Are we inadvertently celebrating His conception at Christmas instead of His birth? How about a call at midnight, a disclaimer the our Bridegroom cometh! And a trumpet blast at 3:33 am! TR Fits well with the timing of Ruth and Boaz ... I’ll take it! Now that we are so close, could it have been that easy! Forest for the trees! A reviling at such a time as this! We shall see, praying to the Father to hear the cries of His children, let it be your Will.... :prayer-hands: :flyup: Indeed more disclosures to confirm the Blessed Hope! Or as Paul said: I am convinced and/or being convinced! So it is with the Church! TR 4, 5 or 6 more days! Could be in the home stretch of our race! For it is those that finish the race that are the winners! Many start, but don't finish! TR Oh that would be wonderful seeing the finish line within sight in 4 or 5 more days! With all the drama, problems and attacks we are all under ... I wonder once we reach heaven ... will we faint because the atmosphere will be soooo peaceful and calm and all our bothersome worries/troubles are finally truly over with? I just wonder if we will spend some time just taking in the surroundings and beauty of heaven or will we be shouting YES! we are home at last and doing a happy dance? wouldnt that be somethin B-) if the church was brought into heaven on the Lord's birthday head first and then the rest of the baby but there is no sign for the rapture :scratch: , so to be ready for anyday :flyup: Let it be! I'm oh so ready to go to my true home and latch on to my Savior. Enough of this dreadful rock and its devices, already. Gee Eric, don't be so ambavilant! I'm curious why a man of your age is so anxious to leave. Apart from being in love with God! Hope that life has'nt been too awful! But a great aspiration none the less! TR
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