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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.4

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Stacy Abrams has never conceded either. That didn’t change the outcome for her. She’s still not the governor of Georgia, however, when they sideline ChinaJoe, Kamala will need a VP. Guess who I think it will be.

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Yesterday’s speech he said the greatest threat right now is MSM with their lies and to not trust them.  Then they put him in tweeter jail 19 hrs ago so he can’t post and defend all the lies in the news and on social media right now.

I’m going to trust that he didn’t concede and just pray for him and his administration to get the job done.  We are watching a movie in play ...  the round up is coming ... :popcorn :popcorn  and the churches departure is soon. :yahoo:



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:stinkerbell:  Trust the plan for him to restore order ... then the church leaves. :whistle:

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I think this is a great time to do a bet Yohanan :yes:

if Biden gets sworn into office on January 20th ... then I will concede its all over and have to eat a slice of pumpkin pie for 1 day. :negative:

if that event doesn’t occur and Trump gets sworn in Feb ... then you have to drink tea for 1 full year and/or drink Starbucks coffee for 1/2 year. :whistle:

Deal? B-)


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I’m pondering this ... could it be “at the last trump” means the last Trump card Trump uses? 😉   From what I heard he got 9 Aces he hasn’t used yet. B-)

And .... it’s not over until the fat lady sings. :whistle:

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It will take me a while to find...but I remember a YT video saying something like Aries represents the rapture.  The ram's horns were referred to as the first and last trump.

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I wonder if that means the rapture will be in March-April.  I really need to find that video!

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the church we started going back to has been reading Job and even though we've missed most of their study of Job, yesterday morning i felt like the Lord was reminding me that Job's extreme adversity was in fact caused by Satan...however, God did allow it within His parameters...and even though it seems Job knew it wasn't for discipline because he knew he wasn't leading a sinful lifestyle and he humbly confessed of known sin and relied on God's mercy and forgiveness, Job (in ch. 2 v 10) still said, "...Shall we actually accept good from God, but not accept adversity?..."

think of how the book of Job has been a blessing to multitudes of people for thousands of years

Romans 8:28 is true not only for the person being persecuted for their faith- having it grow stronger as they stand firm, trusting despite the pain and suffering, coming out with a more mature relationship with the Lord (see James 1:2-4), and blessed with supernatural peace- Phil. 4:7...but also for others who witness or hear about that person's faith withstanding it all- they realize that it's the object of their faith that is worthy of praise...our faith is from Jesus (Heb. 12:2) and placed in a faithful, Almighty God! (Read Job ch. 38 for encouragement from reminders of His power and ultimate control over all the earth!)

Here is a verse the Holy Spirit reminded me of yesterday before watching any news, etc...please be encouraged no matter what is happening or happens...

Hebrews 4:16

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


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Well I’m not giving up and trusting the plan ... according to this Parler message from Linwood ... the show isn’t over yet ... :popcorn :popcorn

Here is the tweet in case the snapshot is too tiny to read

Trumps in Abilene, TX at the Natl Defense Command Center.  So while congress is on Capital Hill committing treason surrounded by the military who is “helping them” by Pences orders; Trumps in Texas at the command center watching ...

You think if the military didn’t have his back he would be there?  Or escaped Washington on AF1.

Sect of Defense is playing Pence and Congress, waiting for them to finish the crime ...


This is what occurred yesterday ...


And the following military are in position at the ready to round up the swamp rats ...


And the Air Force from TX is at the ready as well ...

- Fair Use -

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I would love for the good guys to win, but why are they making it public knowledge?

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