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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.4

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So we have the secret service with guns on the other side of the glass wooden doors down the hall and they obviously don’t want these strangers breaching thru ... must be a top secret zone ... so they put tons of heavy equipment in front of the doors to make a blockade.

I find it very bizarre that this lady was defying them and trying to get thru anyway.   Why?  What was inside there they were aiming to get to?   Its sad that she died but this is really her own fault.

In this picture frame someone helped her to get to the window ledge and she is standing in the broken window frame attempting to make that jump down on the forbidden side ... she gets shot and falls backward.  And there were cops on her side standing on the steps why didn’t they persuade her not to do it?

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Just sick of all the lies and disinformation. Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t seem to matter. They are all in this together. 🙁

Genesis 6:5

New King James Version

5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So tired of this sham human government. It was instituted after the flood and it has amply proved God’s point that man is the problem.

Psalm 2:6-12

New King James Version
6 “Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
7 “I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
8 Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”
10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,

Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, please return soon for your bride and then judge this wicked earth. Please set up your righteous government on this earth and may your glory cover the earth. May Jerusalem be the praise of all the earth. :prayer-hands:


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I hear ya ... its upsetting and nerve-racking.

Well ... I was blown away by this 38 minute youtube of insider news that will ease all our anxieties.  This interview is Rogue News with guest Juan O’Savin (who works closely with Trump).  He gives some incredible info ... an overview on the plan, the process they must take and who they are up against ... not just in America but worldwide - Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, China, etc.   Trump is going to get the job done and drain the entire swamp but the process takes time ... the January 20th inauguration will be postponed ... it might occur either in Feb or March?  Warning, please excuse his 4 F-Bombs ... because what he hast to say is sooooo informative ... I think you will overlook that part. 😉

Enjoy B-)

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Juan O’Savin =107? Sounds like some Q numerology.

Not so sure. We’ll see, I guess.

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Yeah ... first time I listened to him and not sure who he is.  I’m confused with the digital numbers ... him saying we are in a digital war - patriots who stand for freedom and worship God  vs the cabal the NWO of the devil worshippers.

In a different youtube I remember Trump saying  “he caught them all” not just in America but around the globe.  So now its just showtime to sit back and watch the whole process unfold.  This evil NWO club will be given 1 more chance to make a choice ... sadly Pence showed yesterday he is not wavering and stands with the dirty corrupt side ... and the others in congress, state governors, etc. they are keeping tabs on how they respond.  Many have other crimes they were involved in besides the voting fraud such as crimes against humanity.  Looks like many will be rounded up for their betrayal and treason and brought to justice.

I wonder if the timing of the rapture will be lined up with when they do the delayed inauguration event.  I expect the speech will consist of we made not only America but the entire world a more peaceful and safer environment ... perhaps even include the finalized peace accords with the rest of the Arab nations?  Then BAM the rapture happens and the believers are taken up and then confusion and chaos unfolds ... and the AC steps into the picture? :unsure:

James Callaway
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Sad to say but the Trump Presidency is now over. Trump said there will be a peaceful transition to Biden on Jan 20th, 2021. God is the one who raises up kings and brings them down. The way I see things now is Biden's team will usher in the Kingdom of Antichrist at a very accelerated pace. I am really hoping the rapture is this year. Maranatha.


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I agree! Maranatha ???⚡️?????

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Sorry but I have to disagree ... Trump did not and will not throw in the towel ... that is a fake news announcement coming from MSM ... Newsweek,  The Hill, The Denver Channel, etc.

The 38 minute youtube above that I posted late last night talks about he will never concede ... he made a promise to the Americans when he took office but the youtube censored the video between late last night to this morning and only left 38 seconds worth of the interview.  I sent this to a few cyber friends and they were trying to view it and said they only see 38 seconds of the clip so that means they scrubbed the rest.

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I agree. I don’t see Trump coming out on top of this mess. I’ve never believed any of the Q Anon stuff so I won’t be holding my breath for that. The evil establishment is far too deeply rooted in and one man will not bring them down. I think they outmaneuvered Trump yesterday. They used his rally against him and in very short order everything fell apart. Evil holds the power of office and ONLY JESUS can break it. As for me, I’ll just keep looking up and hope we are transported out of here in the twinkling of an eye very soon! Otherwise, my prayers will be for strength to endure the onslaught of evil that is coming our way very, very soon.

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