If no Rapture on the 11th of Apr, then an Easter Rapture would be next on the list! This would still fit in nicely to the Fig Tree generational timeline as well! Again many dates have already been postulated, carrying into the Fall of 2022 as well! Again I try to direct my heart not to the day or hour, but rather to the glory filled fulfillment of the Rapture! TR And if we are here past Easter, I am excited about this post by Jim T. on Five Doves for Nisan 17: http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/apr2022/jimt410.htm -Fair Use- Very convincing! Keep looking for our fulfillment! TR Notice that Nisan 17 was the date the Jews were saved from elimination in the Book of Esther, not Purim. Purim is when it is celebrated. So maybe we leave on Easter or before, Iran sees its opportunity to attack, and then Israel is saved from attack on Nisan 17 again. Perfect, let's go! LOVE it! I 2nd that notion! It’s time to go …. The Rapture on Nissan 17 would be the seventh miracle commemorating that date! How simple that day simply staring us in the face! The fact that Israel crossed the Jordan and Easter play so prominently would be enough to convince me! With regards to date setting, we might conclude that many could not see the forest but for the trees! One of the greatest “duh” moments of Christianity! TR 1 God - 7 perfection 17 = One perfect God?! TR This year the time and date calendar moon stages and phases has Nisan 1 on April 1 which means that according to their calendar Nisan 17 is also on our Resurrection Sunday. Chabad and torah calendar have Nisan 1 on April 2 or 3 which would make it a couple of days later. Israel is celebrating Nisan 15 on Saturday April 16th this year ....what would be interesting is if the Rapture happens before sunrise on the 17th which would be the evening after passover is celebrated in Israel and during the first night of unleavened bread also. This whole month is super high watch time because we can't be sure that any of our calendars coordinate with our Lord's....however we know we are in the season, and we are now ever looking up Let it be so Lord! TR Though I can't say I'm feeling it yet Easter it is truly an extremely high watch day! His timing will be perfect, and no less of a blessing for His bride! TR