? TR I voted for him, but many think we are being played. I don't think we will know the truth until we are out of here. There is so much deception going on, who knows? I am certainly not dogmatic about it but did find this interesting and always excited for another high watch day! Which would be Sunday July 19th according to this method of calculation. Quick summary is that the authors of this page believe Pentecost to be 50 days after the seven feasts not concurrent. I'm easy Lord! The sooner the better. Again, may the Lord be glorified as He honors His Bride! Now and after the Rapture! TR Deception abounds, no doubt! I’m not concerned about Trump being part of the deception as satan hates the Jew and Christian and is all for aborting the innocent, Trump has actively and vocally been completely opposite this evil view! I do believe he was placed to serve for such a time as this. Jehu was not a godly man, yet the Lord used him as needed for the time and there have been others in history, Cyrus is a popular one to remember at these times.. Dont get me wrong, although I am not interested in following politics, I do keep up, I will vote (if we are still here and able) for our current leaders, I do pray for our country, but I am a God follower, this is not my final home, I am a prophecy watcher who holds in spirit that we will soon meet our Savior Face to Face — can I get an Amen? :prayer-hands: Nothing is able to separate me from my Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed me with His blood and “holds me fast ... Ps 91:14” :prayer-hands: :flyup: Amen!!! :amen: The politics of men and whether or not Trump is saved is the least of my concerns. I am only concerned with hearing the trumpet and seeing Christ! TR I’m glad that Dr. B.A. pointed out the possible importance of the first day of the fifth month. B.A. also pointed out the taunt of those observing the Apostles speaking in different languages at Pentecost, saying they were full of new wine. In the Dead Sea scrolls it is recorded that in their day there was a Feast of First Fruits of Wine celebrated on the third day of the fifth month (on the third day). See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feast_of_the_First_Fruits_of_Wine#:~:text=The%20Feast%20of%20the%20First,not%20mentioned%20in%20the%20Bible. That would back up B.A.’s claim about a later feast date than the traditional counting of the Omer would allow for. Anyway – using new moon spotting as our guide to when the first day of the fifth month would be it looks like the crescent will be seen in Jerusalem at sunset on July 21st making the 22nd of July the day we are looking for (or shortly thereafter). His first guess was the 24th! TR On the 3rd day of Pentecost!
On that day Aaron the High Priest called for a feast to the Lord without prompting from God. That’s a bit unusual.
Also on this day exactly forty years later Aaron died and was buried on Mt. Hor.
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