Do our loved ones i...
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Do our loved ones in Heaven know what's going on with us on earth?

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~ ~  "They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” ~ ~ Rev. 6:10

too ~ ~ my opine:     surely the saints in Heaven are aware the 'sorrows' blatantly covering the globe these days ~ ~  of our Lord's return, these souls in Heaven surely 'see' the closing of the Age of Grace ~ ~ with 'rapturous smiles '  and great expectancy, they see as well the wedding table set,  ready for the great reunion ~~

It's comforting to realize I think, that each of these dear ones in Heaven are 'watching' our Lord up close even now  'intervene'  in what the devil meant for harm,  Christ's Spirit  moving souls with desire to know our Adored Lord so close to His rapturous coming ~~

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I lean that our loved ones in heaven are aware of what is happening on the earth and cheering us on to the finished line! :good:   Hebrews 12:1, ”Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”

God allowed Samuel to communicate with Saul, though Saul was wrong to seek the help of a medium to begin with. Scripture forbids that practice (Deut. 18:10-12). Samuel's responses are based on a message he apparently received from God that Saul and Israel would go down in defeat (1 Sam. 28:15-19).

My cousin told me she was depressed and really missing her mom on Mother’s Day in 2018 and asked the Lord if she can see her.   She told me in her vision/dream “she was walking in the local park with her young kids and then saw her mom there standing around and smiling over at her and as she approached she said “mom what are you doing here?”  Her mom replied “oh honey, we see everything”.  Then she woke up from her vision/dream.”

Oh and for my mom’s memorial service I asked the Lord if she saw it from heaven and I had a vision of her looking down from the clouds ... the clouds rolled back like a scroll and saw her smiling face looking down.


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I agree that certain scenes of life on the Earth may indeed be witnessed by those gone on before us.  Though they may be able to view our struggles and victories, hopefully that doesn't include our sin life!  There just simply may not be a "need to know" for viewing our sins!

But whether they monitor the lives of friends, family and loved one's or current events taking place on Earth, I guess we'll find out later.  Perhaps they can simply see the works of the Lord upon the Earth and see the glory of His wisdom as He performs His wonders.  In order to give Him all power, honor and glory with their praise.


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~~ could be, as well,  our loved ones in Heaven  (remembering dear saved ones they knew on earth)  specifically are at the Throne pleading (like the saints under the altar) in moving intercessory prayer  ~ ~  our God enjoys being our "Father,  ~~  in the Light of God's Spirit in Heaven and on earth, our Jesus delights having given us His Comforter    ~~
