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I agree, many trigger points still exist.  But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Indeed, whether the Rapture or the breakout of war, the Palestinians will capitulate, IMHO.

Then these hard feelings will lead to the Gog/Magog war!


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That is so my thought, June seems to be filling up with all kinds of possibilities. :scratch:

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I do not feel this is totally reliable. Way too many holes here. First and foremost Hamas will not surrender their militia nor agree to this plan. It is not about the land for them, it is all about their evil intend to destroy the Jewish nation and bring about a war to bring their Prince. A war with them is of no consequences as long as they are able to kill both Israelis and the big Satan (America). Another point, somewhere in this plan Israel must be promised the rebuilding of the temple. That is the link that will make Israel comply with the Palestinian piece. I agree with Geri’s find in HedgeHog, the land will not be divided. Not having that warm fuzzy feeling here, maybe as Hev said this leak is a “what will they do if...” :whistle:

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So I saw this today:

This is the second or third time that either Jason Greenblatt or Jared Kushner has had to come out and refute "leaked" reports on the peace plan. I think we will see more of this up until they actually release the true peace plan. Supposedly, there are only 5 or 6 folks who know the true details.

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It is certainly tempting to lock on to the Trump Kushner Greenblatt plan as the framework for "THE covenant with many."  It just has to be, right?

I hope the Lord has this particular  in mind for THE covenant.  'Cause I really wanna' go!!!

David W. Roche
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The temple is central.  If there's nothing there about reinstituting Old Testament worship at the temple, it's not the one we're expecting.  However, it could lead up to that eventually.

One thing I've noticed is that Jerusalem is to be encompassed with armies 3.5 years after the covenant is signed.  I suspect those armies must come from other nations, not the IDF, and the fastest way for them to surround Jerusalem is if they're already close at hand when the time comes.  Therefore, I suspect a part of the "arrangement" might be the stationing of international troops in Israel.  The part about the temple could be a side deal, something critical from our perspective and yet a minor aspect of a broader proposal.  But first, there must be a place for the "sacrifices and oblations" (Daniel 9:27) to be offered.

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As I suspected! Just did not sound or feel right. It’s very close to the verse in Matthew 24:4-8 “for many will come in my name, saying I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet....

We on RITAN are very familiar with this reference as it pertains to the coming of the end, but think of all those who are not. This section alone is very multifaceted... we will hear these rumors more and more as it is even “at the door”... :amen:

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