Deep stirrings...a ...
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Deep stirrings...a new manifestation!

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Thanks for sharing.  Indeed possible if not strictly allegoric in nature.  All things are possible with God!

Many believe that in heaven we will speak Hebrew.  Wonder what language Adam and Eve spoke?!  Wonder what the universal and original language was at the tower of Babel?    Some have speculated telepathic abilities in Heaven as well.  Even if we were able to converse with animals seems to me it would be on a soulish level and basic.  Who knows?

Indeed, what language will be used during the Millennial reign?  Or will we all speak in our native language and have understanding beyond ourselves kinda like the "gift of tongues"?!

Or will understanding of every language be immediate and universal?  Curious!

All speculation at this point.  So long as we can communicate with each other, and the Lord.


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As God has confused languages, He can unify language.

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Indeed animals already praise God each in their own language, and God understands them all!

I would like to hear more ideas about how the Lord might communicate to us that the Rapture is imminent!

As per God's M.O., I fully expect some advance warning but in lieu of that, a universal communication with all the saints prior to the Rapture seems extremely plausible and probable.


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Ok more thoughts here ...

I know this might sound crazy ... but my “wish” has always been that I’m holding hands or linking arms together with my loved ones as we are going up.  That means ... after the graves get opened, I expect them to appear at my doorstep with smiles on their faces as they say ‘it’s time to go!”  Then we slowly rise and fly out.  Oh .... and my puppy dog is going to ... hee hee ... I can picture him hanging on my shoulder or I’m carrying him in one arm.  Romans 8:21, 23 “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” (That’s the rapture!)

I believe the changing of the body is in a nano second but the going up process is sloooow. I base that on Acts 1:9-11 “And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”

I think our new eyes are going to see all the spiritual warfare going on as we pass through the 1st and 2nd heavens.  Since satan is the “accuser of the brethren” ... Revelation 12:10 “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”  I got this feeling .... satan will probably be up in heaven when the grand reunion happens.  I can picture him being very angry and jealous as he observing the whole celebration.   Yet ... he can no longer brother us, tempt us any longer! Praise God!   :yahoo:


Then mid point of the tribulation ... I think we will witnessing war in heaven ... and satan finally gets kicked out for good!   :yahoo:
Revelation 12:1-10 “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.


:feedback  just wondering if others have similar thoughts about your loved ones showing up at your front door and then your pets go up with you too?


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Interesting Geri7

Indeed the dead in Christ are raised first to meet the Lord and us.  I agree it is a process, but it will be exciting to see how it all plays out!  May the Lord bless our hearts and thoughts as we dwell upon Heavenly things!

Never postulated the idea of deceased relatives showing up at my doorstep beforehand to give us a heads-up.  Even though we are told that we shall meet together in the clouds.  Though possible, I don't think it too likely.  I do greatly enjoy all of the input.

Quite frankly, I  can honestly say the more I learn about God, the less I seem to know!




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If my cat begins speaking in tongues, I will remember this thread and know it's time!:flyup:

Perhaps I watched "Left Behind" too many times because the consideration of having "deep stirrings" just prior to the rapture, never occurred to me.  Nor the thought of my loved ones showing up at my door so we can go together (although these thoughts are certainly comforting to entertain).  Knowing the dead rise first and without giving it too much thought, my expectation has been to see my family upon arriving home!  I must admit; however, that I have thought so far as to make sure I grab kitty on the way up!:rose:

I agree with the thought that the animals will speak again.  Perhaps it is telepathically. (?) It would not be a surprise if we all understood and spoke Hebrew; the language of God's chosen people.

Interesting thought, Geri7 about witnessing spiritual warfare while traveling through the 1st and 2nd heavens.

Very thought provoking thread.......I don't have much to contribute here, but you've all given me much to ponder.  Thank you!

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Though many things will be happening simultaneously, I think that our view will be sharply focused on our gathering together into the presence of our Saviour Christ.  And the dead in Christ are being honored by Christ by being raised first.

This follows the principle of "firsts" and "firstfruits"!  God came first and being He has always been in existence He is honored first.  As such this defines Him as God! Our parents were before us as well, and likewise we are taught to honor father and mother!  Stands to reason  that those who  lived and died loving Christ before us, are lifted first.

Again, with Christ being made our "first love", He will also be our "last" love, for all eternity!  In the same way that He called himself The First and the Last!  Alpha and Omega, He being the beginning of all things, and the end of all things!

But as to what we might see while there in the air, that's up to God.



Lee Giblin
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I've read this thread a few times lately, but it's 4 AM and I'm awake.  Forty years ago one of the first scriptures Jesus spoke to me was the Romans passage of groaning.  I've been watching and waiting a long time - Since "Late Great Planet Earth."   As many noted,  animals especially dogs go crazing - running off, howling and getting lost before earthquakes, we have also seen wild 'climate change' with strange - but a normal earthly cycles.

My Mom was a 'bird lady' -- like the "Home Alone" movie and I think she sends birds to spy on me!   I walk out the door and this bird flies to the streetlight and tilts its head and chats at me.  I wish I had a translator!  Anyway she passed 19 years ago and is in the ancient (300 year old)  CT  family cemetery.  I've had 2 or 3 dreams of 'watching' the dead from a certain hill,  in that cemetery being raised.  This is strange in that my rapture dreams has me and hubby driving down a 2 lane highway with trees on both sides of the road, being changed and flying through the windshield into a parting cloud -angels? and reaching the out stretched hands of Jesus.  We are leaving SC to go  to CT soon.  My humble thoughts on Av 9 are that both earthly Jewish Temples were destroyed on that date and maybe our earthly temple the 'earthly church' will also be taken out and transformed.

I hope to see and greet all of you with Jesus soon.

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Cool dream, thanks for sharing.

I've never had a Rapture dream.  But it's wonderful to know that so many have.  God has been wonderful preparing hearts for the Rapture. I would tend to think that this God's way of highlighting that the Rapture will happen in our lifetime.  If not the idea that we shall indeed experience the Rapture, dead or alive.

Rather than a dream, the Lord has filled my spirit with possibility of a "heads up" just prior.

Sadly, in times past,  many believers simply were not into the Rapture, as many are today.  Some even expressed openly they hoped that it didn't happen in their lifetime!

But the anticipation is building.  I think this is a God thing.  Just as He did before the first coming of Christ!  Many believed that they were in the time of His soon coming, but were not given the exact day of His birth.

Looking forward to meeting ya soon.  Love & blessings...



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I like the idea that we will have a stirring in our spirit just before the Rapture. It makes sense to me. It will be one of the biggest interventions in the history of mankind and He knows how we long for Him. We have tuned our spirits to Him. I hope we will experience that.

I have no doubts that the animals will speak again. My dog knows a rather large vocabulary of commands so I don't see it as being too big of a stretch that they spoke before the curse and will do so again. I can just hear the first thing my dogs will say to me: "Hey! Why did you always side with the cat???" :yes:

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