I would rather dwell on what is before me rather than what I will leave behind! TR Christmas rapture? Here is a video that will give you food for thought: I'll take it! We will soon know! Again, makes sense to me for a Christmas Rapture! One week after Hanukkah would still speak to the Jewish mindset as well! Keeping in mind that the Tribulation period is destined against Israel first, then the rest of humanity! TR ‘Plausible :prayer-hands: God has allowed us to see and experience many disturbing things. Probably to draw our hearts to be Heavenly bound. As if He is prying the world from our hands! Ergo, I don't put my hopes in any political venue of resue! Hopefully God will find a December Rapture as fitting as I! TR Indeed, the hearts of men universally are being exposed! As well as their evil deeds! As such we are being taught to hate all that God hates! And love what God loves. Having this mindset alone will allow us to enjoy His presence and truly be identified as being His children! Seems to me that this is what the Lord considers over and above a sinners prayer by wrote and spoken in haste! Ever hopefull for December and a word from the Lord! God spoke it, I believe it, that settles it! TR Back to the video. Very encouraging! Though hardly definitive, highly plausible as Tammie states! Indeed our revelation comes in the night when the stars are present and their locations fixed! Hopefully the pictures of the heavens and the math of our counting of days do coincide! TR God has allowed us to see and experience many disturbing things. Probably to draw our hearts to be Heavenly bound. As if He is prying the world from our hands! Ergo, I don’t put my hopes in any political venue of resue! I agree! I think He is waking His kids up as well as the rest of the world that He is about to do something significant and i do not believe it is what the Q Anon group espouses. I see the beginning of the Trib period forming, not 50 years of peace and prosperity under Republican rule. We should all be looking up for Him, not Trump so we can continue our way of life. If I'm wrong, so be it, but if I'm right then we all are about to begin life in earnest, with Him, never to sin again, never to suffer again, never to want again. I think that is a much better future to look to than what man can deliver. Simpatico! I'm reframing from adding a part two to this thread. Don't think we will be here that long! However, should we ring in the New Year while still being here, we will make appropriate changes! TR I believe that q anon is "right". They will win the battle but it won't be peace and prosperity for the world. It'll be deception and ruin for many in the Tribulation. Whatever the case, I am just glad I won't be around to see that. Also, I won't win any prizes for correctly guessing the nature of the beast kingdom. 😛