Will this be a December to remember? Could be! As the enemy is advancing forth His plans, what will the Bride of Christ be spared?! For after the Rapture, the greatest door for evil will open! No restrainer, fear, confusion and desperate hearts will abound. The deception will continue without restraint! Hoping for that December surprise! Not under the tree, but because of it! TR I hope its a month that lives in the history books as the month we went home! December is named because it was the tenth month of the Roman year. The Roman New Year was March 1st. 10 is the number of completion. Dec 7th! Someone has guessed today as a high watch day! As well as the 14th and 21st! And someone on 5 doves has suggested a repeat of the destruction of our naval forces today as well! Also hoping for a ground swell of refusing inoculations to continue to grow! It's going to be a bumpy ride from this point forward! Even so Lord, come quickly! TR In all, let the Lord be glorified! Let 2020 be the year above all! Praying that we indeed be on track and hear from the Spirit! Not given to wild speculations and dubious dreams of our own imaginations, may God speak clearly and loudly! TR Hope this is edifying: https://www.unsealed.org/2020/12/the-great-conjunction-revelation-124.html?m=1 So we are being told we are in the last days! And Sid Roth seems to be promising that before Christmas election results will be overturned! Oh my! Now back to the Rapture! Maybe also before the end of Dec? An eventful Dec for sure! Time is again on our side! God still is not speaking directly of the Rapture! All we have are signs of it's nearness! Hopefully, there will also be a word from the Lord! TR Oh by the way, I'm ready at any time! TR Father God in Heaven, release your Son and bid Him to gather His bride unto Himself! Let the table be prepared and we have been on a long journey. And as like Lazerus raised into life let us be unbound by the shackles of this valley of death! Let us feast in joy, breaking bread and partaking in wine again with our messiah, Christ Jesus! Let communion for body, soul and spirit refresh us anew! And may we receive again the gift of Christ's presence as we did two thousand years ago! Let the christmas tradition find it's fulfillment during this Christmas season! Sounding out a testimony of Christ's first appearance, as we will now appear before Him! Your plans will in no way be hindered, but rather advanced by the Rapture! Just as Satan's entrance into the Garden was timed to advance you plan of redemption, so too let our entrance into Heaven likewise further Your plans for the rest of humanity as well! December, december, december! TR Again, may God be glorified in all that He has done, and will do! I'm not ready to quit my day job yet, nor totally abandon daily concerns. Still not feeling it! But as the Lord lives, we truly are in the last generation! Ever ready though to say goodbye at a moments notice to all that man has known! Let us move into the realms of Heaven, that we may stand before our Creator! Let us be hidden in the bridegrooms heart! And converse with the Holy Spirit! May the pleasures of Heaven give us cause to abide in eternal thanksgiving! Indeed, may it be sooner than any could know or imagine! TR