Second coming listen again - the virus has already cleared! It is the nature of viruses. This is built on pure fear factor by evil. :prayer-hands: Leaving Soon posted an article earlier this week they hope to have the vaccine rolled out BEFORE Nov 2020 elections. :yes: “If successful, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative will bring to fruition 300 million doses of a new vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) before the end of 2020. This, Trump has stated, will be the key to the economic rebound that he is chomping at the bit to see happen, presumably before the 2020 election.” Never new I would find and hang with so many radical types here! Again, the honour is mine! TR TR - yepper dude! The tracer folks have our number, we would be some of the first to be removed from our homes and placed in “camps” - to be given the vaccine under mandatory order, except for one tiny detail, WE Won’t Be HERE! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: I love it when you talk Rapture! TR What’s that song —- Up! Up! And away! In my beautiful, my beautiful “jet Yeshua flt 777 —- Na - Na - Na- Na, Na - Na - Na- Na, Hey! Hey! Hey! Good bye ... :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :prayer-hands: :mdrmdr: Great idea. Let's turn the Rapture into a musical! Gotta love it! TR Up, up and awayay in my my beautiful, my beautiful bodeeeeee... :yes: :mdrmdr: :flyup: I like that even better — so looking forward to the new bod....planning on doing a lot of “body surfing” without joint pain :mdrmdr: <p style="text-align: left;">I'll keep the sharks busy while your in the water! TR</p>
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