Countdown tomorrow....
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Countdown tomorrow...

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Perhaps He will stretch it out 40 days to Shmini Atzeret, October 10th.

Seven solar years after that is Yom Kippur of 2027.


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Again, just a matter of when, not if!


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How about 11 more days .... Sunday, Sept 13th?? :popcorn :popcorn

Per Times of

there is speculation the Abrahamic Accords peace announcement “might” get tied in with the 27th anniversary of the Oslo Accords on  Sept 13th. :whistle:

If so ... will this be it??   We shall rise ...  Hallelujah we shall rise :whistle:

:flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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First we rise and then it's Fall?

Summer raptured and summer not?

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Lee Giblin
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Well.... Almost every day in Sept is a watch day. LOL  My calendar shows dates of Sept 4,7,11,12,13,15, 17,18, 19, 20, 23,24, 28, & 29.



I can't wait to see all of you!  But I've been concerned about the way our world is going and nervous about the power grid failure rumors. :prayer-hands:

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Much to be concerned about, but we shall leave it all behind!

Again, time is on our side!


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Love your sense of humor and word manipulations Arthur!

What do they say?  It takes a smart man to be funny and funny people to laugh!


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I am a very serious individual! My jokes are no laughing matter. 😉

I do look forward to word play and puns with God for eternity. It’s going to be wonderful. ^^

Anyway, September 2nd today. I am going to open up my Rapture advent calendar and eat the chocolate. 😛  15 or so more sleeps!

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Arthur, I am also a very serious, no frills person — :yahoo: :mdrmdr: :calvin :wacko: — NOT! I grew up with the mind games from my Dad (not always in a good way, but mind games none the less) - always enjoyed outside the box thinkers and believe me that is this group to the max and our heavenly abode will not disappoint, of that I am sure! See ya all soon - flying high! :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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Hee hee hee ,,, now Arthur ... doesn’t sound like you have that much chocolate bars stashed in your house if you can still catch 40 winks. B-)

This sounds like confession time ... ok here goes ... I’m EXTREMELY shy ... almost a wallflower at parties ... but those who I’m close to ... well ... um ... watch out ... I can be the biggest pain in the neck by teasing a person to death. :whistle:    But just think in heaven ... there is no more death ((Maniacal laughing)) :mdrmdr:   So fair warning my siblings ... if you see me walking down the golden sidewalk and don’t want to be teased ... from a distance just do the royal hello wave :bye:  ... I will get the hint.    Speaking of royal wave ... you know how some churches want you to meet and greet people?  In the church I used to attend in Massachusetts instead of getting out of the pew, I would make eye contact with those I knew across the auditorium and I would give them a special royal wave.  At first they were puzzled with the hand gesture until I told them its the “royal wave” ... are we not children of the King and now have His royal blood?  That wave caught on fast. :mdrmdr:

Well ... I’m off to the grocery store to hoard more chocolate bars ... you can never have enough ... especially “if” we are stuck here until :mail:  ...Oct 4th.

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