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5 Days till Ascension Day.

15 Days till Pentecost. As of 25th of May 2019.

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3.....2.....1.... Uh, Houston, we have a liftoff. :flyup:lol


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Amen to that!

I hope the Lord knows I can't count that high!

Indeed the Feast Days and Easter aside, Ascension Day seems to me a most likely day. If we consider it as a template for what Jesus himself experienced! He being our example, A.D. is a very real possibility!

Secondly Pentacost would be my next choice. Being the day the Church was birthed! And it being the middle candle of the Menorah!

I cannot claim having any inside information, just wanting to be with Him!


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Having spent the entire day outside basking in the beautiful peacefulness of God’s creation and knowing we are out of here at any moment, I was gazing at the ski and getting that surreal feeling again of what it will be like when we do take flight :flyup:

It just continually amazes me, the Grace of God and His love for us. How unworthy I am to be His beloved child, yet having accepted by faith the finished work on Calvary, when Jesus (God incarnate) gave His life as a ransom (kinsman redeemer) by shedding His sinless and Holy blood to pay for my sin. I am redeemed and ready to see Jesus face to face.

RITAN tea table is set and ready to go, Lisa Leenie is waiting for us all! By God’s Grace, soon, Maranatha :prayer-hands:

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It will be sooo good for all of us to fly away this Thursday, on Ascension Day! :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

Big sigh though if all our high watch dates for 2019 come and goes ... I’m bracing myself then that we might have to be here until Inauguration Day, Jan 20, 2021 at noon.  It’s looking more like Trump might only get 1 term because the elite are really pushing this Pete Buttigieg to run on the Democratic Party in 2020.  He is in his 30’s, Jewish and gay.  He is a Rhodes Scholar ... just like Clinton and Gore.  His ancestry is from the Island of Malta and he is getting involved with Middle East things. 😉

Just wondering ... do you think there could be a gap period between the rapture and the start of the tribulation?  If so, then perhaps we don’t have to be here for Jan 20, 2021?

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I can easily see a couple of months between the two events.  Just hedging my bets and letting God be sovereign! :unsure:



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Geri, shadowed at best but I’m of the mindset, that things will ramp up fairly quickly for the AC as his time is VERY limited from our departure date. 😉

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4 Days till Ascension Day.

14 Days till Pentecost. As of 26th of May 2019.

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TR, Just enough time for the AC to finalize the Trump/Kushner peace plan : )

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<p style="text-align: left;">It will all come together, that's for sure!  Indeed the grains of sand in the hourglass are falling.</p>
Let it be Ascension Day Lord!  The day when Jesus our bridegroom is sent by the Father to gather unto Himself his Bride.

Not wanting to tell You your business Lord, just letting you know how I miss being in your eternal presence.  Your concerns Lord are many, but let the the wantoness of our hearts be fulfilled.


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