Yep Arthur! The prince of this world can’t have us but he takes every available opportunity to decrease our joy, fellowship, and grow fear to paralyze our worship. We so got this, no fear, just faith ... no worry, just worship .... no pain, just prayer ... escaping upward soon for sure! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: And we got the English people fed up ... defying the lockdown/social-distancing orders in London and telling the government it can stick the poison COVID-19 vaccine up its own behind. :mdrmdr: :popcorn - Fair Use - More should join in! TR That's a common place for a shot. (well, just to the east or west of that) :yes: :mdrmdr: Keep a stiff upper lip and all that rot. 33 is one of the number that "They" like to use and send messages with. The thought came to me that if many people take the vaxxxine then very few women will have children during the Tribulation which would be a mercy given by God. Doubly do when all innocent children are taken in the Rapture. Sir John Bell says the coronovirus vaxxxine will only cause sterility in 60-70% of people. Professor Sir John Bell, professor of medicine at Oxford University, and a part of the GAVI team – Sir John is a member of SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) and sits on the government’s vaccine task force that has negotiated the purchase of a handful of proposed vaccines to combat coronavirus – developing AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine, said in an interview with Jon Snow that “These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population. They are very likely to have an effect which works in a %, say 60 or 70%.” Believe him, someone who has these levels of credentials doesn’t misspeak without correcting himself. Only 70% ! Bill Gates and his husband must be the 2 happiest people on earth right now. Looks like frontline workers in NYC and NJ are saying NO to the vaxx :good: - Fair Use - Came across this evil speech from Kissinger to the the WHO organization back in Feb 2009 ... very chilling how its all about to happen in real time ... Enlarged - Fair Use -