Mike Adams is known for his sensationalism. Most of his wild predictions and assertions fail to materialize. Giving this article the benefit of the doubt, will Trump return to get people vaxxxed as conservatives/republicans trust him and the democrat voters are already mostly vaxxxed? :scratch: After all, Trump heavily pushed the vaxxx with Operation Warp Speed. Unfortunately, its looks many church leaders were and still pushing the vaxx along with Franklin Graham. So many conservatives/ republicans followed their bad “advice” without doing the research. If Trump does return in office … its a toss up if he will have that much influence on the patriots and conservatives/republicans … because … when I was following Q for the news … the surfer lady @ beach broadcast was pushing the vaxx … but 99% of her followers in the comment section said no way are they getting the jab … they knew of the dangers of the vaccination. :yes: Well I’m not surprised by this at all … when I did a study on masonry ‘who’s who” … it listed Bruce Springsteen has bloodline ties to the Rothschild family. 😉 NTEB prophecy news podcast: Protests erupt as liberal Bruce Springsteen rep opens broadway but only allows vaccinated people to attend On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the rapidly-developing societal caste system, not unlike what they have in India, where people are divided into castes of those who get the good stuff, and those who are kept outside the 'blessings' of the 'system'. In Biden's Marxist America, those who agree to be injected with the experimental mRNA poison are the 'blessed', and those who refuse to receive the jab are locked outside. Lol, and you thought when the lockdowns ended everything would go back to normal, right? Wrong. Just remember that the virus was created for the vaccine, the vaccine was not created for the virus. Keep that in your head and everything you will see from here on in will make sense to you. Bruce Springsteen playing to vaccinated-only is just the beginning, just wait until your employer sends you that email you've been dreading. It's coming. In the interest of full disclosure, I was born and raised in New Jersey, and grew up listening to Bruce Springsteen, just about everyone did. But after I got saved, it became harder and harder to keep listening to his music for obvious reasons. Springsteen’s songs, when they venture into religious topics, center around the unknowable god of the Roman Catholic Church. Over the weekend, Bruce Springsteen returned to Broadway as the first show since the pandemic, and like a good Liberal, he came with an agenda. “But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand.” Isaiah 32:8 - Fair Use - We knew it was coming … here it is … Are you ready for the coming digital lockdown? Now you can prove you’ve been vaccinated with this spiffy mark of the beast immunaband bracelet Wearing this band can indicate to everyone around you that you’ve had your COVID-19 vaccination – and that you’re fully vaccinated. The seamless bracelet from ImmunaBand helps to ease the uncertainty everyone is still feeling about the pandemic, and also offers a hopeful symbol of society’s eventual defeat of the virus. The bracelet is comfortable and easy to put on, and is made from durable silicone and stainless steel. It’s available in one size that will fit everyone and weighs a slight .75 ounces. The bracelet also features a unique QR code that can show your COVID-19 vaccination card. Simply use the camera app on any smartphone to scan the QR code, enter the PIN you set up, and you can view your CDC vaccination card on the device. In Manhattan, New York, with Bruce Springsteen, and in order to be allowed to attend this gala event, you had to prove you were vaccinated. Welcome to 21st century segregation with the COVID caste system, the new digital lockdown that’s absolutely coming soon to a theater near you. “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB) I know, I know, they promised you the COVID vaccine would not be mandatory, and the government(s) may yet stay true to their word…maybe. But in the meantime, the global corporate world is going to make sure you get jabbed, and you will be gradually locked out of everything until you do. So how about a lovely new ImmunaBand COVID Vaccination leash to go with your sharp suit or summertime dress? Prove you’re vaccinated with this ImmunaBand bracelet FROM THE NY POST: Whether it’s Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson, more and more New Yorkers are getting vaccinated so that we can protect each other, and especially protect vulnerable populations. It’s also becoming more apparent that being able to prove your vaccination status will be a useful thing going forward. Being able to prove that you’re fully vaccinated could become an essential way of living and being able to live a life of normality, like before the pandemic. - Fair Use - Here's how you beat that lol Well for some places. :mdrmdr: and its cheaper too! I left this part off because it was in all caps … I’m going to retype it “The immunaband vaccination band is a useful tool that can help in this situation, and it’s currently on sale for $17.95, a small price to pay in order to be able to prove your vaccinated status wherever you go.” hmmm … small price to pay, eh? I’m sure most people could use that $17.95 for a better purpose … like for groceries, etc. So someone is going to soon become rich if they are going to enforce these bracelets and charging that “sale price” … got to wonder what the regular price is. I wonder why they are targeting the healthcare workers to get the jab or else? Most hospitals are short staff as it is. Its sad … first the Houston hospital and now the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan. Did you know Henry Ford was a Freemason and made 33 degrees? All workers, volunteers, students, and contractors at Henry Ford Health System must be vaccinated against COVID-19, the hospital announced Tuesday. This requirement goes into effect Sept. 10. We’ve been telling you for months now that the main threat for forced COVID vaccinations would likely not be coming from the government primarily, but rather through social and economic pressure leveled by the corporate machine that runs America. So it’s only fitting that a health care system named after a former world’s richest man would be the first hospital in Michigan to force employees to be vaccinated. “We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!” Jeremiah 8:15 Want to keep your job? Want to see that new Broadway play? Want to eat in a restaurant? No problem, just step right up and have mRNA poison put into your body and we will allow you to buy and sell with the rest of the vaccinated. Doing this in the Henry Ford Health System is also very fitting because, like Adolf Hitler and Bill Gates, Ford was also a eugenicist. A eugenicist is someone who uses science and medicine to weed out the undesirables. Henry Ford Health System becomes first Michigan hospital to require COVID-19 vaccine for workers From Fox2 Detroit: Henry Ford is the first hospital in Michigan to have a COVID vaccine requirement. ”We acknowledge the magnitude of this decision and we did not make it lightly,” said President and CEO Wright Lassiter III. “As a leader and trusted voice in our communities, our patients and members depend on us to create a safe, healthy environment. We owe that same promise to our team members. Safety and infection prevention are everyone’s responsibility.” According to the health system, the COVID vaccine requirement is consistent with other vaccine policies. Workers must get a flu shot yearly and must be up-to-date on other vaccinations, including measles, mumps, rubella, and whooping cough. Those with valid medical or religious reasons can be exempt from vaccination. ”We have consistently advocated for vaccination as the best path forward for all of us,” said Bob Riley, President of Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer. “But for vaccinations to truly make a deep and lasting impact on this pandemic, we need everyone in this fight. There is no greater compassion we can show each other than to be vigilant about safety and preventing the spread of this devastating disease.” The hospital system is seeing the lowest number of COVID admissions since the start of the pandemic. Right now, about 20 people are being admitted to hospitals. 😉 “At the end of the day, we want all of our team members to be safe and healthy – protected from this virus and protecting those around them,” Lassiter said. “When it comes to this complex decision, we will do the best and safest thing we can to achieve that goal. We are not the first healthcare organization to do this, and we will not be the last.” - Fair Use - I just noticed the workers have until Sept 10th to be vaxx … FOT falls on Sept 6th - 8th perhaps we are gone before that day arrives? Someone in the comment section posted this interesting thought “I really shake my head at the Insane Sociopaths and Psychopaths in charge. The Rapture is really Soon, June 30th is the 70 day mark, and July 30th the 40 day mark till Feast of Trumpets. We watch, we wait, we see, and we will see each other really soon” - Fair Use - They definitely are targeting the health care workers, emergency personal and the military. If these people start dying in droves, it will be catastrophic for the USA, Canada and Western nations. Wicked freemasons are anxious to get their man (aka the Antichrist) in place. They know their time is short and their master is displeased with their progress. Well if you remember that really lovely couple talking about how the next one was going to get everyone's attention and then laughing about it well I think it may have finally arrived. In this educational video below we get to see what that "next one" probably is and we will get to hear all about for weeks and months if we are still here. Enjoy : )
They never forced anyone to get a flu shot, and I never heard of mass Jab injuries, until this came along, nor mass comic relief to roll out past POTUS Clowns to convince everyone to get it, while they got vitamin B shots, you know ole Jimmy Carter would not have survived it. So now they target hospital workers, now I look at such extremely cautiously, because if people are being harmed by the jab, why are they targeting hospital and health care workers with a Deadly Jab? IMO it is so they incapacitate them so they will be unable to take on those who are sustaining severe health issues, from present and subsequent jabs that everyone eventually will be coerced into. Maybe all the workers should quit and leave for another health place, the hospital CEO and execs certainly would be at a LO$$ if that happened,