God forbid that men should pray to God! False messiahs check! Selected people and "saints" check! Extra-terrestrials check! Idols check! Governmental saviors! AI images check! Then again, manmade and propigated plandemic! TR Not much excitement for the vaxxx. Looks like they are trying to bribe people to endorse it. How pathetic. :negative: https://steverotter.com/whitney-rife-offered-thousands-of-dollars-to-take-covid-vaccine/ I lived in Saskatchewan for over 20 years. Wonderful place with wonderful people. Not so wonderful now, though. This is wickedness. Ain't socialism grand?! Yet how many people seem ok with it! TR Is the water in this pot getting a little warmer, or is it just me?! Guess I'm just a froggy Canadian! TR Things are heating up. This fraud can not continue much longer. Methinks the media will start telling the truth occasionally and that will really make people mad. Per Nojabforme.info The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they dubbed “vaccines”. It simply authorized them. Fauci confirms. 19 doctors warned the world of the dangers. AstraZeneca is being dropped by 24 countries. Johnson & Johnson is Viral Vector (1) vaccine that was given Emergency Use Authorization on February 27, 2021. The CDC confirms. It also confirms (2) the Pfizer & Moderna jabs are the deadliest of all “vaccines”. The clinical trials will be completed in 2023, and there are 12 vaccine companies working on profiting from vaccine sales. The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including death, related to Covid19 vaccines, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 3,186 deaths from Covid19 vaccines are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/16/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours. For clarification purposes in this article, Covid19 is regarded as an influenza variant. Some will argue that it was developed in a Gain-of-Function lab. That is moot. The primary consideration is whether an experimental vaccine is warranted. I am for tried, true and tested (safe) vaccines. I am NOT for experimental vaccines backed by disastrous animal studies. The mRNA jab delivers a synthetic, inorganic molecule (medical device) that programs your cells to synthesize pathogens in the form of the spike protein that your immune system will constantly have to fight off for the rest of your life. Molecular Biologist & Immunologist, Professor Dolores Cahill explains. NCGI article elaborates. Fauci confirms. Other call it Information Therapy that hacks the software of life, according to Moderna’s (Mode RNA) chief scientist. You essentially become a GMO. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has mapped out 8 mechanisms of how the Covid jab is going to kill people The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaborates. Fauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving vaccines are ineffective and vaccine passports are totally useless. Hospitals are paid $13,000 for every Covid19 admission & $39,000 for every patient that is put on a ventilator CDC admits to doctoring the number of deaths. Survival rate for Covid19 is 99.9% for all age groups. They also admit to lumping pneumonia, influenza & Covid19 into 1 epidemic just to inflate Covid19 death numbers. - Fair Use - Donald Trump Former President Donald Trump again endorsed COVID-19 vaccines but said that people should not be forced to get them—likely in response to several states and countries pushing for vaccine passport-type systems. “The vaccine is a great thing and people should take advantage of it,” Trump told the New York Post on Thursday, but qualified his remarks by saying, “Nobody should be forced” as Americans “have our freedoms.”
Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine
By Jack Phillips
April 23, 2021 Updated: April 23, 2021
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