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Coronavirus Talk v.6

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Step right up and get your ... Xupermask :wacko:

By Marc Bain

Musician and investor has partnered with Honeywell, the technology giant and provider of personal protective equipment (PPE), to launch a face mask with built-in fans, Bluetooth connectivity, and audio. Called the Xupermask, it goes on sale April 8 for $299, making it a long-term investment compared to the inexpensive disposable or cloth masks on the market. 

The timing is notable. While the pandemic is far from over, many western countries are finally beginning to hope that life may return to some semblance of normalcy in a matter of months. By April 19, US president Joe Biden says all American adults will be eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine. In Canada and the European Union, vaccine rollouts have been slow, but efforts are underway to speed them ahead.


Still, it appears, Honeywell, and others think western consumers could keep masking up for a long time to come. 

Building a better mask for the future :scratch:
“We think there will continue to be a need for masks and respiratory products even after the pandemic,” said Will Lange, Honeywell’s chief commercial officer for PPE, in an email. “We expect many people will wear masks on a regular basis for both health and—with Xupermask—fashion purposes.”

The Xupermask bills itself as an “innovative smart mask for the mid- and post-pandemic world.” It comes with a 30-day supply of disposable high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filters. It’s not designed for use in medical settings. (Hmmm I wonder why?) Rather it’s meant to be a more comfortable, fashionable, and functional mask for everyday users.

You can get the Xupermask in black or white, in case you feel one might coordinate better with your wardrobe. :mdrmdr:
It’s not the only effort to build a better mask. At the end of March, the US government launched a contest offering $500,000 for the best ideas on how to redesign face masks, noting that people may not wear them because of issues such as skin rashes, discomfort, and their glasses fogging up. The prompt didn’t specify the masks as protection against Covid-19, instead saying public health agencies around the world are encouraging mask use in public areas to reduce the spread of respiratory diseases.

Will western consumers wear masks after the pandemic?
At the very least, US infectious-disease expert Anthony Fauci and other health officials have cautioned that Americans will likely have to keep wearing masks for several more months and possibly into 2022. The same is likely to be the case in many European countries.

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Indeed. A very wicked man.

Prince Phillip died aged 99.
People are re-sharing an old Prince Philip quote about death.
In 1988, Prince Phillip said he would like to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve overpopulation.

The death of Prince Philip was announced by Buckingham Palace Friday morning. Soon after, many people on social media began to re-share an old Prince Philip quote in which he says that after he dies, he would like to reincarnate as a deadly virus to help solve the issue of overpopulation.

The quote is noted in an article by The Guardian newspaper from 2009 where some of Prince Philip's most controversial quotes are listed. The full quote reads: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."

Well, he won't be getting reincarnated. He will stand in Judgement before Almighty God, though.

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Looks like something out of star trek or star wars. Hard pass for me, lol.

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:agree   I kept laughing as they are trying to use persuasion ...  you  can match these with your wardrobe. :wacko:   I think their aim is to make humans look like a beast.  More mind control conditioning for when they freely step right up to accept the mark ... they wont think anything weird about worshipping that ugly demonic idol ...

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Eek ... look what “lovely” post card I found in my mailbox today ...

I’m glad they used the words “It’s up to you” and we still have a choice ... and that choice is ... “NO WAY”! :whistle:

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Just wow Geri! Speechless!

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European Court of Human Rights rules that vaccines may be made mandatory, but doesn't mean they will be. And apparently anti-vaxxers are a major public health threat and are spreading conspiracy theories.

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does it say who printed it?

my hubby's response to write on it and send back is not printable in polite company

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The address on my post card shows the name of a local hospital.  They didn’t personalize the post card ... its generic with ... “Local Residential Customer”.

They have the words ... “More than 70,000 Vermonters have already been vaccinated.  When your turn comes, get vaccinated.  It’s up to you.”

They want you to sign up on-line at the Vermont health gov. website and this is where Bernie Sanders works at.  They will eventually know who hasn’t registered ... because I’m sure they will be keeping perfect records.  Perhaps by next year they will threaten no health benefits entitled if you don’t get vaxx? :unsure:

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