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Coronavirus Talk v.5

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While, I find the "Health Ranger" to be sensationalistic a lot of the time, I think he is right about that. The vaxxxed people (aka people in the genetic modification experiment) are ticking time bombs.

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Anyone else tried explaining to the jabbed in your family why you don't want to be around them next Sunday to celebrate the resurrection? Doesn't go well.

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Well, now maybe the people who have not chosen to take the jab can understand how the lepers in the Bible felt like. Perhaps we will have to walk around shouting, "Unvaxxxed! Unvaxxxed!" :wacko:

In all seriousness, I am grieved to hear your dilemma, Blue.

However, I don't believe that vaxxxed people will be "shedding" this virus. Viruses are only spread by close intimate contact (ie HIV through you know what) or by injection. So, I wouldn't worry about meeting together with vaxxxed people.

In other words, the vaxxxed are only a threat to themselves.

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My mom lives in a senior living facility of maybe 180 people. They have all been jabbed twice over the last couple months.  How long do you think for the mutations to start being spread?

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You snuck a post in on me!  So you don't agree with M.A.? Last week one of the videos posted at Five Doves said the same thing.

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My mother is in a senior facility, as well. They have all had their first round of the experimental gene therapy. I am still visiting my mother as she lives in an outside unit at her facility and not in the main building. I am required to wear a mask and keep 6 feet away but I can still see her, do gardening for her and shop for her.

Honestly, I am not worried about contracting anything from vaxxxed people. The Lord God Almighty has decided when I'll be with Him, not the wicked people behind the plandemic. Smile

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I think the vaxxxed are a ticking time bombs to themselves, not to other people. When they die, they will blame the unvaxxxed. Then there will be intense pressure on the unvaxxxed to get vaxxxed.

The goal of the homicidal maniacs is to get everyone vaxxxed. That is the whole goal of the plandemic.

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My mom's place is  a little more paranoid.  Everyone is in one building.  I can visit my mom outside with a mask and sit 6ft away for one hour.  If I go inside, which I haven't, I am required to sign a paper stating that I understand that even though they have all been vaxxed, that does not prevent me from getting the virus from them.  I also have to sign that I have been observing all covid safety protocols for the last two weeks to prevent me from spreading it. It seems that even the vaxxed don't trust the vax to prevent anything.

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I’m watching closely this one thread on another forum board of those who got vaxxed.  Some with the Moderna and the others with the Pfizer shots.   The most popular symptom from the get go is being tired.  This one who got the Moderna double shot just recently started experiencing painful leg cramps.  So he drank dill pickle juice and claims all is good now and down played it being linked to the vaxx.

A few of them were in the military / navy and are used to being vaxx to death so they think this will be a piece of cake.  Just wondering how honest they will be when they start to experience the bigger health woes ...

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