It is hard to know the many uses for this virus. Keep hearing Italy and UK being reported as the worst of the worst as far as strains, deaths in Europe. MFATW also reported being very concerned about UK and Italy. In the past he has said that Italy sits on top of a huge volcano and now says Italy has a group forming worse than ISIS. So, I am thinking there is a correlation there...need to keep people home and out of the way other dangers. So, apparently the vaxxine is causing 1 in 40 people to be unable to perform notmal daily activities, be unable to work and required care from a doctor or health card professional? That's like 2.5%. https://mobile.twitter.com/Gary14007171/status/1340646446949953537/photo/1 *normal Oops... It's one in 35 people. 3,150 out of 112,807. Fauci the Con Man song. Lol. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/fauci-the-con-man-song_oYRZK8P5N6cszdp.html :mdrmdr: put Falsy in a pin-strip suit with shortened pants, bow tie (picture a used car salesman) - you can trust me, I have MD behind my name —- personally, I think the medical board should suspend his license indefinitely, and yes they can do that! Fraud, misrepresentation, collusion, etc ..... if not here, he will get what’s coming to him ... is it just me or does he look like a troll or a cousin to Gollum in Lord of the Rings (my precious) :mdrmdr: sorry rough humor, self inflicted from too much coffee He does look like Gollum. A greedy, 80 year old Gollum. Tragically, he has been consumed by his love of money. 🙁 And 2 days ago this happened ... BIG explosion at a Taiwan pharmaceutical factory ... guess what they produce here ... hydrochloroquine 😉 And it happens to be the World 2nd HCQ supplier. 😉 And they don’t know what caused the explosion 😉 Coincidence? B-) Interesting comments ... If CNN does report on it ... they will probably say they were cooking METH :scratch: Big pharma taking out the competition and China is also rolling out their vaccine :scratch: An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20. People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast shortly after noon. Immediately after the blast, thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory. Firefighters responding to the fire found two people injured. A 30-year-old foreign migrant worker suffered third-degree burns to 80%-90% of his body, and is described as being in a critical condition. A 40-year-old man suffered a burn to one hand. Both men were sent to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for treatment. While the factory is located close to Taipei Taoyuan International Airport, operations at the airport were not affected, according to reports in United Daily News and ET Today. The Taoyuan City Fire Department dispatched 76 personnel, 28 fire appliances and 2 ambulances to the scene of the fire. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation. Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier. - Fair Use - That's great, Arthur!!! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Thanks. Something to pass along... Is it a coincidence that Tennessee is being reported as the new ground zero for the virus surge and then there is an explosion this morning in Nashville? First this posted the 24th: Now this on the 25th: https://apnews.com/article/nashville-explosion-christmas-52708bfd05e4f6ff433cc404443c65d4 -Fair Use-